This report highlights the risks of GM microbes, particularly their their high capacity for uncontrolled spread, transfer of genetic material, and rapid evolutionary changes. […]
This report highlights the risks of GM microbes, particularly their their high capacity for uncontrolled spread, transfer of genetic material, and rapid evolutionary changes. […] Company producing first ever commercialized GE Salmon shuts down operations following rejection by largest food retailers, food service companies and court challenges in the US and Canada. […] The horizon scan of GM virus applications in this study indicates that a number of significant challenges remain in the risk assessment and risk management of GM virus applications. […] Food sovereignty alliance from Latin America, Africa, and Asia approaches seven UN Special Rapporteurs for urgent intervention to block cultivation and trade of GM wheat HB4. […] The American Chestnut Foundation has decided to withdraw its support for an experimental GE chestnut tree which has demonstrated growth and fertility problems and failure to resist blight. […] A risk assessment for an application to release salmon obtained from new genetic engineering techniques in an experiment in Norway had identified many risks, knowledge gaps and uncertainties. […] This report explains the potential risks of genetically engineered soil microbes and provides policy recommendations for their oversight as they move from the lab to the field. […] A new study has found that more than a third of over 1,000 traditional corn samples collected in the semiarid region of northeast Brazil are contaminated with transgenes. […] Since 2021, GM fall armyworm larvae have been released in field trials, in Bt corn fields in Brazil. This strategy attempts to overcome the development of insect resistance to Bt toxins. […] A US research centre has created a gene-edited variety of teff which Ethiopia may take up, raising unanswered questions over its safety, ownership, and impact on local varieties. […] |
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