CBD: Discussions on Multidisciplinary Assessments of Synthetic Biology Falter

Discussions on synthetic biology at the CBD have hit major roadblocks, with the continuation of the process for broad and regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment of synthetic biology in jeopardy. […]

Ensuring good governance of synthetic biology at SBSTTA-26

As Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity gather in Nairobi for the Twenty-sixth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice from 13-18 May 2024, the issue of synthetic biology is high on the agenda. […]

TWN Briefing Note on Synthetic Biology for SBSTTA-26, May 2024

Key recommendations for SBSTTA-26 on synthetic biology […]

The Need for Horizon Scanning and Technology Assessment to Address the Evolving Nature of Genetic Engineering

Examples of new developments in genetic engineering – gene drives, genetically engineered viruses and RNA interference – demonstrate why horizon scanning and technology assessment are urgently needed. […]

How the CBD Can Improve Governance of Synthetic Biology Developments

This report, published by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, aims to enable governments to be prepared for current and future developments in synthetic biology, namely through the process of technology horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment. […]

Updated Briefing Note on Target 17 (biosafety)

Updated briefing note on Target 17 (biosafety) of the First Draft of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. […]

Analysis and proposals for Target 17 of the First Draft of the post-2020 GBF

TWN’s analysis and proposals for Target 17 of the Global Biodiversity Framework, which addresses the issue of biosafety. […]

Major Differences Vex Discussions on Assessment of New Genetic Technologies

Discussions at the CBD on the assessment of new genetic technologies, such as synthetic biology and organisms containing engineered gene drives have brought to light major differences. […]

Biodiversity Talks Stymied by Inequities in Virtual Negotiations

Formal virtual negotiations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have hit major stumbling blocks. This is largely due to the inequities of the virtual format, which have prevented meaningful participation by developing countries, especially the African Group. […]

Africa Calls Out Inequitable Virtual Negotiations on Biodiversity

The African Group, at a key meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), has expressed deep regret that because of the virtual setting, representation from the African Parties has been extremely limited. […]