Contaminated Crops, Threatened Cultures

A report to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples and the threat posed by the Colombian government’s policies and practices concerning GMOs. […]

Caring for Life: Genetics, Agriculture and Human Life

This is a discussion-document by the Working Group on Genetic Engineering of the Justice, Peace and Creation Team of the World Council of Churches. It discusses the implications of genetic engineering on human life and agriculture. […]

Ethics and Genetic Engineering

Fr Sean McDonagh of the Columban Missionary writes on the ethical and moral aspects of genetic engineering. He is critical of the corporate powers which continue to push GM food despite evidence that such food could have health impacts. […]

Socio-Cultural Aspects of Native Maize Diversity

This paper was submitted to the Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America as part of the Article 13 initative on Maize and Biodiversity: the Effects of Transgenic Maize in Mexico. […]

Towards a New Ethics of Science

The author examines the social control of science, the nature of the science driving genetic engineering, and the relationship of science to society. She argues that there is an urgent need to reinstate independent science. […]