Swiss Ethics Committee Defends Precautionary Principle in Regulating New Biotechnologies

A report by the Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology shows that the precautionary principle and the precautionary measures to which it gives rise can be justified ethically with respect to regulating new biotechnologies. […]

The Precautionary Principle Should Be Interpreted Critically and Preemptively

This paper, written by the Lead Petitioner in the Public Interest Writ filed in India’s Supreme Court, argues that the Precautionary Principle must be interpreted critically and pre-emptively for its proper application to the unique risks of GM crops. […]

Late Lessons from Early Warnings, Volume 2

The European Environment Agency has published its report on ‘Late Lessons from Early Warnings: Science, Precaution, Innovation’. Among the case studies examined is that of GM crops. […]

German Advisory Body Takes Precautionary Approach to Nano

This report by the German Advisory Council on the Environment provides policy recommendations for the control of risks associated with nanotechnology. Fundamental is how the precautionary principle should be applied. […]

Uso y abuso del principio Precautorio

Dr Peter Saunders, Prof of Mathematics at King’s College, London provides a clear and common sense approach to understanding the precautionary principle. This understanding is crucial in the light of the Biosafety Protocol. […]

Anti-Precautionary Risk Assessment

Vyvyan Howard examined how the regulatory process addresses pervasive technologies and the use of risk assessment therein. […]

Elements of Precaution: Recommendations for the Regulation of Food Biotechnology in Canada

Scientific uncertainty of the safety of GM products is the central concern of this report, commissioned by the Royal Society of Canada. In light of such uncertainty, the report calls for the adoption of the precautionary principle in regulatory policy. […]

Use and Abuse of the Precautionary Principle

Dr Peter Saunders, Prof of Mathematics at King’s College, London provides a clear and common sense approach to understanding the precautionary principle. This understanding is crucial in the light of the Biosafety Protocol. […]