This paper from the African Centre for Biosafety examines GM sugar cane in South Africa, particularly in light of the current drive for agrofuels. […]
This paper from the African Centre for Biosafety examines GM sugar cane in South Africa, particularly in light of the current drive for agrofuels. […] Letter from the Organic Farming Association of India to the Minister of Environment objecting to the introduction of GE Bt Brinjal in India. […] An opinion by Europe’s food agency advocating the safety of the only GM crop grown in Europe is fundamentally flawed, according to a Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth Europe report. […] Rising concern about climate change and the security of oil supplies has led to interest in the production of energy and fuels from biomass. Production is often on a large scale, using chemical-intensive agricultural practices and often includes GM crops. […] Since its introduction in Argentina in 1996, GM soya has spread across the country like wildfire. Argentina provides a unique opportunity to investigate the consequences for a country of intensive GMO cultivation. […] Research on GM crops spanning ten years by the Institute of Development Studies/STEPS Centre, UK. […] This article explores the myth of rising yields of Bt cotton in India and points out that genetic engineering has been at best neutral with respect to yield. […] Cultivation of GM Bt maize will harm European wildlife and jeopardise conventional and organic farming. Despite this, there is a threat that Bt maize could be grown in Europe on a large scale as companies are submitting new GM Bt maize varieties to the EU […] In 2002, the Monsanto company submits to the German authorities an application to import genetically engineered MON863 maize into the EU. This report chronicles the developments following this submission. […] Bayer is pushing for legal approval of its GE rice – LL62 – in Brazil, South Africa, the EU, India and the Philippines. In the USA, the Bayer GE rice has already been approved for commercial planting, although farmers in the US are reluctant to plant it. […] |
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