
The manipulation of genes in a wide range of organisms, from microorganisms to higher plants and animals raises many questions. These include the viability of the genetically modified organism itself, ecological and health issues, social and economic issues.There is already modification of a number of the world’s major food crops. Soya, maize and canola have been modified for herbicide and pest resistance, and constitute the bulk of commercially grown and traded GMOs and GM products. However, there has been no commercial approval of GM wheat in any country because of growing awareness of biosafety, increasing consumer preference for non-GM food, as well as fears of field and trade contamination that may adversely affect the wheat market.

Research and field trials on GM rice are taking place in some countries but again there is great caution and even resistance against commercialization, on the basis of insufficient scientific certainty on the environmental and health impacts. The impact on rice biodiversity is also a major concern for many Asian countries since the region is the centre of origin and diversity of rice. Associated with rice is the region’s rich cultural diversity.

Bt cotton, the other commercialised GM crop, has become controversial with reports of inconsistent yields and other problems in China, India, the Indonesia and South Africa.

While there has been public attention on some of the major crops (including crops engineered for pharmaceutical production), there is far less awareness on other GM plants (including ornamental plants and flowers), trees, animals, fish and microorganisms.There is considerable research on and field testing of many GMOs that are taking place without public knowledge, and often, without the knowledge of all relevant parts of a national government. Thus very few countries, especially developing countries, have had the opportunity to consider and weigh all aspects of gene technology and GMOs. This is necessary and urgently needed if the appropriate policies on science and technology, agriculture, forest management, biodiversity conservation and health are to be in place under the rubric of sustainable development.

[Note: In a separate page on this website, entitled “Traits in Agriculture” we post articles and reports that provide information and discussions on specific traits in agricultural GMOs.]

Manganese Nutrition of Glyphosate-resistant and Conventional Soybeans

This study found that glyphosate-resistant soybean did not respond to manganese fertilizer in the same way as the conventional variety. […]

The campaign for genetically modified rice is at the crossroads

A critical look at Golden Rice after 10 years of development. […]

GE Rice Patents in China

This report by Greenpeace/TWN calls on the Chinese government to investigate the implications of a number of foreign patents on food security, farmers’ livelihood and threat of lawsuits by patent holders. […]

GE Trees: Why Biocontainment Won’t Work

Scientific evidence suggests that biocontainment will not work to prevent the genes from GE trees from escaping. […]

Another Year of Doom – Bt Cotton in AP – 2008

Bt cotton farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India suffered another year of less profits compared to non-Bt cotton farmers. […]

Hot potato – South Africa’s GM potato – a critical analysis

A critical review by the African Centre for Biosafety on the GM potatoes experiment in South Africa. […]

Cotton, Contaminated?

The report concludes that contamination from GM crops is inevitable in India, as the case with Bt Cotton demonstrates. […]

Transgenic Trees

A briefing highlighting the issues surrounding transgenic trees. […]

Risky Business – Briefing

The financial fallout from the 2006 discovery of contamination of US rice supplies with LL601 (“Liberty Link”) could amount to between US$741,000 to US$1.2 billion […]

Monsanto vs. Argentina dispute on GMO soybean

Monsanto has filed lawsuits against soy importers in several European countries which buy soya from Argentina. This article explains the reasons for the lawsuits and the possible consequences on transnational litigation. […]