
The manipulation of genes in a wide range of organisms, from microorganisms to higher plants and animals raises many questions. These include the viability of the genetically modified organism itself, ecological and health issues, social and economic issues.There is already modification of a number of the world’s major food crops. Soya, maize and canola have been modified for herbicide and pest resistance, and constitute the bulk of commercially grown and traded GMOs and GM products. However, there has been no commercial approval of GM wheat in any country because of growing awareness of biosafety, increasing consumer preference for non-GM food, as well as fears of field and trade contamination that may adversely affect the wheat market.

Research and field trials on GM rice are taking place in some countries but again there is great caution and even resistance against commercialization, on the basis of insufficient scientific certainty on the environmental and health impacts. The impact on rice biodiversity is also a major concern for many Asian countries since the region is the centre of origin and diversity of rice. Associated with rice is the region’s rich cultural diversity.

Bt cotton, the other commercialised GM crop, has become controversial with reports of inconsistent yields and other problems in China, India, the Indonesia and South Africa.

While there has been public attention on some of the major crops (including crops engineered for pharmaceutical production), there is far less awareness on other GM plants (including ornamental plants and flowers), trees, animals, fish and microorganisms.There is considerable research on and field testing of many GMOs that are taking place without public knowledge, and often, without the knowledge of all relevant parts of a national government. Thus very few countries, especially developing countries, have had the opportunity to consider and weigh all aspects of gene technology and GMOs. This is necessary and urgently needed if the appropriate policies on science and technology, agriculture, forest management, biodiversity conservation and health are to be in place under the rubric of sustainable development.

[Note: In a separate page on this website, entitled “Traits in Agriculture” we post articles and reports that provide information and discussions on specific traits in agricultural GMOs.]

Developments Related to the GM Rice – LLRICE601 – Contamination (UPDATED)

Included are links to news reports and announcements related to the contamination of rice by LLRICE601 since the case was officially announced in August 2006. […]

Genetically Modified Food Animals Coming

Foods derived from GM animals are far from safe. They are likely to be contaminated by a host of agents as well as nucleic acids, viruses, and bacteria that have the potential to create pathogens and to trigger cancer. […]

Gene-Altered Profit-Killer

The disclosure last month that American long-grain rice has become widely contaminated with traces of an experimental, gene-altered rice has provoked an economic crisis for farmers and reignited a long-smoldering debate over the adequacy of U.S. oversight […]

The Failure of GE Papaya in Hawaii

Introduced in Hawaii in 1998, GE papaya is facing many setbacks and the prospects for the industry is dim, thus contradicting claims of its success by the GE industry and its allies. […]

Submission on the DAR for APPLICATION A549 FOOD DERIVED FROM HIGH-LYSINE CORN LY038: to permit the use in food of high-lysine corn

The Centre for Research in Biosafety (INBI) in New Zealand is urging the food standards agency not to approve Monsanto’s GE high-lysine LY038 corn until further safety studies have been conducted. […]

Transgenic Plum Tree Tribulations in Romania

The first genetically engineered plum trees were tested in Romania in 1996, with the support of the European Commission. Ten years later, there’s talk of destroying some. This article looks back on an experiment far from citizen’s eyes. […]

Bt Cotton – No Respite for Andhra Pradesh Farmers

Report of Kharif 2005 performance of the ctop, vis-a-v-s non use of pesticides approach to cotton cultivation. […]

False Hopes, Festering Failures

This is the fourth successive year of a series of studies which reconfirms the failure of Bt cotton in Andhra Pradesh, India. […]

Briefing Paper on Transgenic Trees

Given the negative impacts of transgenic trees, a coalition of organisations and individuals are raising the call for a global ban on the commercial release of transgenic trees into the environment. […]

GM soybean: Latin America’s New Coloniser

In Latin America, the frontiers to soybean production are being pushed back aggressively in all directions at a breathtaking rate. The implications to farmers and communities are discussed in the report. […]