Questions Persist over the Golden Rice Campaign

Testbiotech puts forward compelling reasons as to why Golden Rice is losing credibility as its proponents continue to fail to address the burning question of whether it can actually combat VAD and the risks associated with its cultivation and consumption […]

Golden Rice and the Children of the Poor

This article provides a developing country perspective on the issue of Golden Rice, which is genetically engineered to produce betacarotene, a precursor to vitamin A. […]

Unapproved GE Wheat Contaminates US Farm

The USDA announced on 29 May 2013 the presence of unapproved GE wheat plants on an Oregon farm. It is not known how the contamination occurred, almost 8 years after field tests ended. […]

Discovery of Unapproved GE Wheat Underscores Poor Control over Field Trials

Following the announcement that unapproved GE wheat plants were found in a farm in Oregon, there has been a growing demand for answers on how this could have happened and strong critique on the (in)adequacy of control over field trials of GE crops. […]

The Seed Industry’s Questionable Golden Rice Project

This report takes a critical look at ‘Golden Rice’, which aims to combat vitamin A deficiency. […]

Implications of Commercial Release of GM Maize in México

Key issues and the potential implications that approval of GM maize in Mexico may have for food security, agricultural biodiversity and the right to food. […]

Serious Concerns Over Possible Approval of Large-Scale Planting of GM Maize in Mexico

The possible imminent approval by the Mexican government of the large-scale, commercial planting of GM maize in Mexico is raising serious concerns. […]

GM Nitrogen Fixing Cereals: No Silver Bullet

This GM Freeze report questions GM nitrogen fixing cereals, as the complex genetics involved make these unlike to work and may affect yields […]

Long Term Toxicity of a Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant GM Maize

Worrying new results about the health impacts of the widely-used Roundup herbicide and the Roundup tolerant GM maize NK603 (cultivated with or without Roundup) have just been published. […]

Potential Health Risks of GM Wheat

Expert scientists have warned that a wheat genetically modified using new dsRNA-mediated silencing may pose health risks. […]