After 20 years of intensive use, research finds that glyphosate and its primary metabolite AMPA are frequently detected in ground and surface waters and in some marine environments, with adverse effects on biological organisms and their functions. […]
A technical report by the German, Austrian and Swiss governments on GM herbicide-resistant crops shows that they have not increased yields, but instead have increased herbicide use and have damaging impacts on biodiversity. […]
As weeds develop resistance to glyphosate, GM crops resistant to the 2,4-D and dicamba are poised to enter the market. However, these herbicides and the formulations containing them can cause lethal and sublethal effects on beneficial insects. […]
A new analysis has found that GM crops in the US and Canada have shown no discernible advantage in yields nor led to an overall reduction in the use of chemical pesticides when measured against non-GM varieties in Western Europe. […]
The largest-ever study on GE crops and pesticide use in the U.S. has found that adopters of GE glyphosate-tolerant soybean and maize have used increasingly more herbicides than non-adopters to deal with the proliferation of glyphosate-resistant weeds. […]
A recent review finds that there are significant knowledge gaps on the fate of Bt crops and their potential effects on aquatic systems and identifies several important issues for further research. […]
A review of recent literature has found that glyphosate can persist in the environment and that chronic glyphosate exposure even at low concentrations can pose a risk to human health. […]
A report analyses the performance of GM crops for the past 20 years since their introduction and finds that they have not delivered on any of their grandiose promises. […]
A new study has found significant negative chronic effects in Daphnia fed with GM insect-resistant maize leaves such as smaller body size, reduced growth and decreased fertility. […]
This report examines whether GM crops are better for the environment and presents evidence that they can cause serious adverse environmental impacts. […]