High Residues of Glyphosate Accumulate in Roundup Ready Soybeans

Research has demonstrated that Roundup Ready GM-soy may accumulate high residue levels of glyphosate and its breakdown product. It also showed that different agricultural practices may result in a markedly different nutritional composition of soybeans. […]

Early Warning on Food Safety Issues – How regulators got it wrong on dsRNA

This TWN Biosafety Briefing discusses how changing the nature, kind and quantity of particular regulatory-RNA molecules through genetic engineering can create unique risks. […]

Genetic Engineering – The State of the Science

This article highlights the gaps in our current knowledge with regard to the science of genetic engineering, in particular on the long-term effects on human and animal health of GM food and feed. […]

Recent Biosafety Information for Events MON810, MON863 and NK603 maize, and GTS- 40-3-2 soya

TWN Biosafety Briefing summarizing some of the latest findings regarding the safety of four transgenic events (MON810, MON863 and NK603 maize, and GTS- 40-3-2 soya). […]

The Need for Long Term Health Risk Assessment of GMOs

Reply to critics of the study on long term toxicity of NK603 highlights the need for long term health risk assessments of GMOs. […]

Debate on Safety of Monsanto’s GM Maize Continues

Intense debate on the safety or otherwise of Monsanto’s GM maize NK603 continues. […]

Questionable Biosafety of GMOs

This statement from the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) addresses the issues raised by the publication on the long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant GM maize. […]

Long Term Toxicity of a Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant GM Maize

Worrying new results about the health impacts of the widely-used Roundup herbicide and the Roundup tolerant GM maize NK603 (cultivated with or without Roundup) have just been published. […]

Potential Health Risks of GM Wheat

Expert scientists have warned that a wheat genetically modified using new dsRNA-mediated silencing may pose health risks. […]

Study Reviews Research Findings on GM Food Safety

A study published in the journal Environment International reviews the recent research findings regarding GM food safety. […]