Assessment & Impacts

Principles and Approaches Genetic interactions in ecosystems are more dynamic and complex than acknowledged so far. Genetic change and genetic exchange phenomena seem to occur more frequently in nature than in laboratories, and may be regulated by unknown environmental factors. Local environmental conditions and chemical contaminants (pesticides and other xenobiotics), that will undoubtedly vary in concentrations and combinations between different locations are examples of such environmental factors. These may have impacts on the extent of horizontal gene transfer, and on how modified genes are expressed and affect the recipient organisms. Consequently, it is important to establish model systems in the laboratory, which mimic the ecological interactions and complexity of the real world.

Basis for risk assessment and management:
Risk and probability are not the same. Risk can be defined as the probability of an occurrence of an incident or phenomenon, multiplied by the consequences arising therefrom, if it occurs. At this moment we know little about both probability and consequences in relation to putative health and environmental effects of many genetic engineering applications.

Horizontal gene transfer: Horizontal gene transfer signifies a non-sexual transmission of genetic information within or between species. The phenomenon is common in nature, but our knowledge concerning ecological processes promoting such events and barriers prohibiting them is scanty.

Socio-economic considerations: The impact of genetically modified organisms goes beyond ecological and health dimensions. They have profound impact on society, including livelihoods, production systems, trade, culture and ethics.

Need for ‘Cut-Off Criteria’ to Prevent the Uncontrolled Spread of Gene Drive Organisms

To control the risks of gene drives, ‘cut-off criteria’ need to be defined to prevent the uncontrolled spread of genetically engineered gene drive organisms. […]

Reanalysis of Carcinogenicity Data Shows Glyphosate Can Cause Cancer in Experimental Animals

A review and reanalysis of 13 animal carcinogenicity studies shows that exposure of rats and mice to glyphosate caused a variety of tumours that differed by sex, species, strain and length of exposure. […]

Risk Assessment Challenges of Synthetic Gene Drive Organisms

Our understanding of any potential adverse impacts of gene drive organisms on the environment or human health is limited by critical knowledge gaps and uncertainties with regard to both intended and unintended effects, preventing conduct of robust and reliable risk assessments. […]

Gene Drive Organisms: Implications for the Environment and Nature Conservation

A report endorsed by eight European environmental agencies has been published on the implications on the environment and nature conservation of gene drive organisms. […]

Better Risk Assessment Needed for GE Plants That Can Persist and Propagate in the Environment

A new peer reviewed paper addresses specific environmental risks associated with GE plants that can spread and propagate in the environment, leading to next generation effects that could increase risks to biodiversity. […]

Non-GMO Corn Outperforms GM Corn in Several US States

Results of recent field trials of non-GMO corn seed and published research show that non-GMO seed varieties can perform as well as or even better than GM seed. […]

European Risk Assessment Standards Deemed Insufficient to Determine Safety of GMOs

Current standards of risk assessment in the EU and Switzerland are deemed insufficient to determine the safety of GMOs. Instead, the precautionary principle needs to be applied far more consistently and comprehensively. […]

Glyphosate Disrupts Gut Bacteria and Causes Liver and Kidney Damage in Rats

A new study confirms that glyphosate and Roundup at regulatory permitted and presumed safe doses inhibit the shikimic acid pathway in gut bacteria of rats, and also cause liver and kidney damage. […]

High Glyphosate Residues on GM Soybean, but Risk Assessment Inadequate

There are far higher concentrations of glyphosate from commercial GM glyphosate-tolerant soybeans in the global food chain, compared to glyphosate-tolerant soybeans from field trials used for safety assessments. […]

EU’s Risk Assessment of Herbicide-Tolerant GE Soybeans Falls Short

Current EU risk assessment practice for food and feed derived from herbicide-tolerant GE plants needs substantial improvement, otherwise health risks will be underestimated. […]