A report on the risk assessment of GMOs in the EU and Switzerland reveals substantial gaps, concluding that current standards of risk assessment are not sufficient to fulfil the legal requirements of determining the safety of GMOs or the food and feed derived thereof. […]
Gene drives proposed for conservation purposes pose serious threats because their implementation could have far-reaching unintended consequences and could trigger irremediable modification of the natural environment. […]
The proposed use of genome editing and gene drives to genetically engineer wild populations would spread introduced genes throughout surrounding populations. This article discusses the ecological risks of releasing genome edited wild mice into the environment. […]
Glyphosate residues have been found to be significantly higher in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis than in patients with a healthier liver, providing an observational link between the herbicide exposure and liver disease in humans. […]
The products of new GMO techniques, including genome editing, cannot be assumed to be safe but must be subjected to a pre-market risk assessment tailored to the specific GMO in question. […]
This journal article shows that the US EPA disregarded substantial scientific evidence about glyphosate’s genotoxicity and supports the conclusions of the WHO-IARC that glyphosate is both genotoxic and probably carcinogenic to humans. […]
This paper identifies the challenges posed by new and emerging gene-editing techniques, as well as recommends improvements to GM risk governance research and practice. […]
A study has found that two Bt proteins and the herbicide glyphosate are highly toxic to the stingless bee, causing lethal or sublethal effects which can severely impair colony growth and viability, and reduce pollination ability. […]
This report reviews studies of the impact of glyphosate to soil health and finds evidence of harm to soil fauna such as microbes, fungi and earthworms, along with risks of pollution of water bodies. […]
Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety have adopted a decision that puts its important risk assessment work firmly back on track, after previous setbacks […]