This paper underscores the importance of broadening the scope of the debate on emerging plant breeding technologies, such as cisgenic GM plants. […]
This paper underscores the importance of broadening the scope of the debate on emerging plant breeding technologies, such as cisgenic GM plants. […] A review of scientific evidence about the impact of organic food on human health reveals that pesticides in food leads to loss of lifetime income due to lower IQs associated with prenatal exposure, and recommends organic agriculture for better health. […] Two studies examine the impacts of climate change on insect resistance to Bt crops, finding accelerated spread of Bt-resistant pests in the US and increased tolerance to cold temperatures in China. […] A review of scientific literature on the environmental risks of GM plants has found evidence of adverse impacts on the environment such as the emergence of herbicide and insecticide tolerance, and disturbed biodiversity. […] New research provides the first empirical evidence linking glyphosate application and reductions in the populations of monarch butterflies in Illinois, USA, during the period 1994-2003, the initial phase of large-scale GM herbicide-resistant crops. […] Enogen, a genetically modified corn for ethanol production, has reportedly contaminated non-GM white corn grown in Nebraska that is used to make flour, presenting risks of market rejection for non-GMO and organic corn growers. […] A peer-reviewed article asserts that current safety standards for glyphosate-based herbicides are outdated, may fail to protect public and environmental health, and need to be urgently improved. […] After 20 years of intensive use, research finds that glyphosate and its primary metabolite AMPA are frequently detected in ground and surface waters and in some marine environments, with adverse effects on biological organisms and their functions. […] An exploratory ecological study detected increased frequency of cancer in association with high environmental exposure to glyphosate in an agricultural town in Argentina, where the herbicide is used in conjunction with mass cultivation of GM crops. […] A technical report by the German, Austrian and Swiss governments on GM herbicide-resistant crops shows that they have not increased yields, but instead have increased herbicide use and have damaging impacts on biodiversity. […] |
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