Bt Cotton and Small-scale Farmers in Makhathini – A Story of Debt, Dependency, and Dicey Economics

This is a story about the experiences of the farmers of Makhathini in South Africa with Bt cotton. It is also a story about dependency and indebtedness. […]

Scenarios for co-existence of GM, conventional and organic crops in European agriculture

Farmers, particularly organic and conventional farmers, would face high additional costs if GE crops are commercially grown on a large scale in Europe. […]

Bt Corn Costs Often Higher Than Returns in Indiana

Genetically modified seed designed to stop a destructive worm from devouring corn plants may itself take a bite out of some corn growers’ profits, says a Purdue University agricultural economist. […]

Broken Promises

Will GM crops really help developing countries? Lim Li Ching looks at some telling examples in Kenya, Indonesia and India. […]

GM crops in Africa are poverty-insensitive

Biotechnology does not address the real causes of poverty and hunger, concludes a recent study which examined the impact of three genetically modified crops on poverty alleviation in Africa. […]

Argentina, the GM paradox

Argentina’s disastrous experience with GE crops should be an object lesson to developing countries which cling to the illusion that this technology will foster genuine development, says an activist. […]

The economics of biotech

The following article considers whether there is any justification for the optimistic outlook for biotechnology and whether it would be prudent for developing countries to devote their limited financial resources to this technology. […]

Genetically Modified Crops and Sustainable Poverty Alleviation In Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper recasts the debate over biotechnology by moving past overly general hyperbole, and instead empirically evaluating current experiences with GM crops in Africa. […]

Genetically Modified Organisms 25 Years On

It has been more than 25 years since the advent of genetic engineering. As Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins of the Institute of Science in Society point out the predicted benefits did not materialised. […]

The Socio-economic Aspects of GMOs and the Need for Applying Precautionary Principles

This paper examines the the socio-economic aspects of GMOs and calls for the application of the precautionary principle to protect communities from the adverse effects of GMOs. […]