Biomedical Applications

While there is growing knowledge among policy makers, regulators and the public on modern biotechnology in agriculture, awareness is still lacking in the fields of pharmaceuticals and medical treatments such as gene therapy and xenotransplantation.

The use of GMOs in the production of pharmaceutical products such as insulin and hepatitis vaccines raises issues related to production process, containment and possible human health effects.

The development and imminent commercialization of live GE vaccines is taking place with very little public knowledge and even less regulatory scrutiny. These require specific biosafety assessment and cannot be treated in the same manner as conventional vaccines. They are GMOs and each vaccination is actually a ?release? with all its environmental and health implications. A human and animal health risk that has been identified by some scientists is the creation of new viruses.

Meanwhile, live GE vaccines are already being tested in livestock. These vaccines raise the same issues and concerns.

Rapid developments in biotechnology, genetics and genomics already pose a variety of environmental, ethical, political and social questions. There are now increased biological warfare risks posed by the use of new and emerging technologies used to create new types of biological and bio-chemical weapons. These include material degrading microorganisms. There is a need for more understanding of the scientific research being done, the actual development of these biological weapons as well as the type of government actions required to address associated risks in biosafety frameworks.

The unnecessary evil of ‘therapeutic’ human cloning

Is so-called ‘therapeutic’ human cloning really necessary? […]


Despite warnings from scientists of the risk of new viruses crossing from animal organs to human subjects and thereby infecting the population at large, xenotransplantation is a multi-billion-dollar venture. […]

Why clone at all?

No persuasive reason exist for cloning save for genetic determinists who believe an organism is nothing more than the sum total of its genetic make-up and that it is their right to exploit cloned human embryos for spare body parts. […]

Genetically Modified Humans: For What and for Whom?

The most damning criticism of gene therapy, is that it is a simplistic, reductionist solution to complex diseases that must be understood in terms of the human being as a whole in his or her social, ecological environment. […]

An Introduction to Biological Weapons, their Prohibition, and the Relationship to Biosafety

The paper provides a history of biological weapons and discusses the future of biological weapons and their prohibition. It highlights the relationship between the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol. […]

Human gene therapy: A cure for all ills?

This briefing examines the case for gene therapy and considers the safety, social and ethical concerns. […]