The integration of AI into genetic engineering (generative AI) raises concerns that plants with unsafe and undesirable traits may be engineered and released into the environment. […]
The integration of AI into genetic engineering (generative AI) raises concerns that plants with unsafe and undesirable traits may be engineered and released into the environment. […] This study developed analytical methods which allowed reliable detection of mutations introduced in plants made by new genomic techniques. […] – It is not productive or meaningful to genetically modify wild organisms solely based on the assumption of potential benefits and with uncertainty about possible harm. […] This briefing addresses ‘generative’ artificial intelligence (AI) tools, which are now being applied to generate novel digital sequences for GMOs and proteins. […] Using a new method of data evaluation, this study shows that unintentional changes from the use of CRISPR/Cas ‘gene scissors’ are different from random mutations and could present risks. […] Gene drive organisms are characterized by a significant depth of intervention. Therefore, there is a need to broaden the social and political debate over them rather than considering them as an incremental innovation of first-generation GMOs. […] New genomic techniques (NGT) can cause unintended genetic changes, thereby carrying higher risks than earlier assumed. […] A report published by the Scientific Council of the French National Agency that deals with GMO and pesticide authorizations describes the mechanisms used by industry to ensure that the opinions published are not (too) negative. […] For the first time, CRISPR genome editing techniques have been found to induce ‘catastrophic’ DNA damage, including whole chromosomal loss and other unintended changes, in tomatoes. […] This report illuminates the tactics Monsanto used to manipulate the science for decades, and how it attacked scientists and journalists who raised concerns about its top selling herbicide, glyphosate. […] |
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