The Global Organic Food and Farming Movement Calls for the Regulation of New Genetic Engineering Techniques as GMOs

The organic sector reaffirms its commitment to effectively exclude GMOs from its productions systems and urges policy makers to regulate the use of GMOs obtained by new techniques. […]

Military Revealed as Top Funder of Gene Drives; Gates Foundation Paid $1.6 million to Influence UN on Gene Drives

Over 1,200 emails released under open records requests reveal that the US military is now the top funder and influencer behind a controversial genetic extinction technology known as “gene drives”. […]

Prior Societal Assessment of New GM Technologies

This journal article argues for a process of precautionary and prior societal assessment to be established as the norm for all major new GM technologies, as they have the potential to substantially impact human life and life on Earth. […]

Products of New GM Techniques Must Be Strictly Regulated as GMOs, Assert Scientists

The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility asserts that all products of new GM techniques are GMOs and should be regulated strictly, and new, technique-specific regulations may be necessary. […]

New Zealand’s Regulation of Gene Editing and Synthetic Biology and the Need for Strengthened Regulatory Regimes

The Sustainability Council of New Zealand highlights important elements in the country’s biosafety law for good governance of GMOs, gene editing and synthetic biology,stressing the importance of strengthening national and international biosafety regimes. […]

Broadening the Debate on the Development of Cisgenic Plants

This paper underscores the importance of broadening the scope of the debate on emerging plant breeding technologies, such as cisgenic GM plants. […]

A Critical Review of the Academy of Science in South Africa’s report on Second Generation GMOs

A new report highlights that so-called new breeding techniques, in general, involve many of the same processes used to produce first generation GMOs, with similar risks and have also introduced additional risks. […]

CRISPR Gene Editing Caused Hundreds of Unintended Mutations in Mice Genome

A new study has found that CRISPR-based gene-editing introduced hundreds of unintended mutations into the genome of mice. […]

Ecological and Ethical Implications of Using CRISPR‐based Gene Drive to Control Crop Pests

This paper discusses the ecological and ethical implications of using CRISPR‐based gene drive to control crop pests, given the risks of long-term effects and uncertain regulation over this new technology. […]

Synthetic Biology and New Breeding Techniques Are Genetic Engineering Technologies

Advocates claim that synthetic biology and new breeding techniques are distinct from genetic engineering whereas in fact, they carry similar risks to old-style GE and may even create new ones. Thus, they should require more, rather than less, scrutiny. […]