Tanzania has recently amended its Biosafety Regulations. This statement from the Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity clarifies that strict liability still applies to all activity involving GMOs, with an exception for researchers and research activities. […]
An alliance of 19 CSOs and a GMO-resistance movement have lodged a substantive submission to the Malawi authorities, opposing the Confined Field Trial permit application for GM pod borer-resistant Cowpea varieties. […]
An alliance of 19 CSOs and an organic vegetable farmers group led by the Commons for EcoJustice have lodged a substantive submission to the Malawian authorities, opposing Monsanto’s application to obtain a general release permit for its GM cotton. […]
A recent briefing paper published by the African Centre for Biosafety examines South Africa’s experience with Monsanto’s earliest insect-resistant Bt technology – MON810 maize – and has found that the product failed within 15 years of adoption. […]
Statement of concern from the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) on the approval of the COMESA ‘Draft Policy Statements and Guidelines for commercial planting of GMOs, Trade in GMOs and Emergency Food aid with GMO content’. […]
African civil society is calling on the African Union to ban GM crops because of the dire lack of independent, long term safety data. […]
This paper provides an overview of the GMO regulatory regime in South Africa, highlighting in particular the difficulties in access to information. […]
This briefing warns of the dangers lurking in the AU’s Biosafety Stategy with regard to proposed biosafety harmonisation processes that involve several players that raises concern. […]
This paper is written in light of the coming into effect of the Genetically Modified Organisms Amendment Act (No. 23 of 2006).(ii), 10 years after the ‘GMO Act’ became part of the body of post-apartheid statutes in South Africa. […]
A law to provide for the regulation of the import, deliberate release into the environment, placing on the market, and the contained use of GMOs and products thereof. […]