Swiss Lower House Extends Moratorium over GM Plants in Agriculture

The Swiss National Council, which is the lower house of the Swiss Federal Assembly, has extended the moratorium on the cultivation of genetically modified (including gene-edited) plants in agriculture by another four years until the end of 2025. […]

Do Not Release Gene Drive Organisms, says European Parliament

The European Parliament has called for gene drive organisms not to be released into the environment, in line with the precautionary principle. […]

European Parliament Passes Resolution including Call for Global Gene Drive Moratorium

The European Parliament has passed a resolution calling on the European Commission and Member States to call for a global moratorium on gene drive releases into nature, including field trials. […]

Pressure on the EU to Deregulate New GMO Products

A year after the European Court of Justice ruled that the EU’s GMO rules should apply to new GM techniques, industry groups and the US Government are keeping up pressure on the European Union to deregulate, with implications for food and biosafety, as well as consumer choice. […]

EU Parliament Against New Approvals for the Import of Genetically Engineered Plants

EU Parliament has adopted, with a large majority, several resolutions against approvals for GE maize, oilseed rape and cotton, while calling for higher standards in risk assessment and the strengthening of democratic decision making. […]

EU Court of Justice Rules that Gene-Edited Organisms Are GMOs and Subject to GMO Regulations

The EU Court of Justice has ruled that organisms obtained by the new generation of gene editing techniques are GMOs and are subject to the obligations laid down by GM regulations of the EU. […]

Genome Editing: Legal Expert Criticises Opinion of Attorney General of the EuCJ

New legal opinion states that new methods of genetic engineering such as genome editing must be regulated under the current EU Directive 2001/18. […]

Statement on Gene Drives by the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board

The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board recommends a moratorium on the use of gene drives until international regulations for handling and risk assessment are in place. […]

European Parliament Passes Resolutions Objecting to GM Maize and Cotton Imports

The European Parliament has passed resolutions objecting to the import of GM herbicide-resistant maize and cotton, citing concerns over harmful herbicide residues and calling for an overhaul of the EU GMO authorisation procedure. […]

Swiss Government Plans to Extend GMO Moratorium to 2021

The Swiss Cabinet has approved a plan to extend the current moratorium on genetically modified organisms in agriculture to 2021. […]