The challenge for countries, especially developing countries and countries with economies in transition, is the formulation of national policies and regulatory frameworks to ensure biosafety. The holistic approach to biosafety encompasses scientific, ecological, health, social, economic, cultural and ethical dimensions in the context of the precautionary principle. It also requires a long term perspective in assessing technology and its products.
A comprehensive biosafety policy will need to be accompanied by and integrated with policies in other related fields such as agriculture, science and technology, industrial development, health, biodiversity and environmental protection. An important element would be options for non-gene technology approaches to achieving a stated objective such as increased agricultural productivity, pest and disease management or environmental remediation. For developing countries with limited resources and/or alternative knowledge and practices in farming and health systems, this approach can be both cost-effective and ensures the further strengthening of national capacities and sovereignty over food, nutrition and health. A regulatory framework includes a national law, subsidiary regulations, administrative measures and implementation/enforcement mechanisms. Underlying this is the generation and flow of information and knowledge on biosafety that can be part of the public domain to ensure public participation and ever-deepening understanding and implementation of biosafety.
This section provides some information on the experiences of countries and regions.

Environment ministers challenge the Commission’s upcoming proposal on new GMOs

Several European environment ministers have raised concerns about the Commissions’ proposals to exclude new GMOs from the EU’s current biosafety laws. […]

Moving Beyond the Genome to Systems Thinking for African Agriculture

Call for a move beyond focusing on genome editing towards systems‐level thinking for Africa, by prioritizing the co‐development of technologies with farmers and acknowledging that seeds are components of complex and dynamic agroecological systems […]

Plants from New Genomic Techniques Carry Similar or Higher Risk Than Older GM Varieties

The German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation has concluded that plants derived from new genomic techniques have a similar or even greater risk potential than plants obtained from older genetic engineering techniques. […]

Swiss Lower House Extends Moratorium over GM Plants in Agriculture

The Swiss National Council, which is the lower house of the Swiss Federal Assembly, has extended the moratorium on the cultivation of genetically modified (including gene-edited) plants in agriculture by another four years until the end of 2025. […]

Do Not Release Gene Drive Organisms, says European Parliament

The European Parliament has called for gene drive organisms not to be released into the environment, in line with the precautionary principle. […]

Peru extends GMO moratorium, Mexico phases out glyphosate and GM maize in food, disallows GM maize releases

Peru extends its moratorium on the import and production of GMOs for environmental release to 2035, while Mexico phases out glyphosate and GM maize in food, and disallows GM maize releases into the environment. […]

US EPA Proposes to Phase Out Almost All Bt Corn and Cotton Due to Insect Resistance

In an effort to stave off above-ground insect resistance, the US EPA has proposed phasing out many current Bt corn hybrids, as well as some Bt cotton varieties, in the next three to five years. […]

How Power Politics Created a False Success Story of Burkina Faso’s GM Cotton

This study shows how power and undue influence by Monsanto shaped a false success story of GM cotton in Burkina Faso, by inflating benefits and hiding differential impacts and inequalities among small farmers. […]

European Parliament Passes Resolution including Call for Global Gene Drive Moratorium

The European Parliament has passed a resolution calling on the European Commission and Member States to call for a global moratorium on gene drive releases into nature, including field trials. […]

Pressure on the EU to Deregulate New GMO Products

A year after the European Court of Justice ruled that the EU’s GMO rules should apply to new GM techniques, industry groups and the US Government are keeping up pressure on the European Union to deregulate, with implications for food and biosafety, as well as consumer choice. […]