The challenge for countries, especially developing countries and countries with economies in transition, is the formulation of national policies and regulatory frameworks to ensure biosafety. The holistic approach to biosafety encompasses scientific, ecological, health, social, economic, cultural and ethical dimensions in the context of the precautionary principle. It also requires a long term perspective in assessing technology and its products.
A comprehensive biosafety policy will need to be accompanied by and integrated with policies in other related fields such as agriculture, science and technology, industrial development, health, biodiversity and environmental protection. An important element would be options for non-gene technology approaches to achieving a stated objective such as increased agricultural productivity, pest and disease management or environmental remediation. For developing countries with limited resources and/or alternative knowledge and practices in farming and health systems, this approach can be both cost-effective and ensures the further strengthening of national capacities and sovereignty over food, nutrition and health. A regulatory framework includes a national law, subsidiary regulations, administrative measures and implementation/enforcement mechanisms. Underlying this is the generation and flow of information and knowledge on biosafety that can be part of the public domain to ensure public participation and ever-deepening understanding and implementation of biosafety.
This section provides some information on the experiences of countries and regions.

EU Member States to be Granted Right to Ban GM Crops

The EU Parliament and Council have agreed on new legislation that will allow EU member states to restrict or ban GM crops on their own territory. The move has however been described as failing to provide legal certainty for member states. […]

US Citizens Write Open Letter Warning on GM Crops

An open letter from individuals and organizations representing 57 million Americans warns of the risks of GM crops, drawing from the two decades of experience in the US. […]

Weak Oversight of GM Field Trials in the U.S.

An investigation into GM field trials in the U.S. reveals the vast extent of outdoor experimentation and a troubling trend of violations, mistakes and risks of contamination which has received inadequate attention from the regulatory authorities. […]


An alliance of 19 CSOs and an organic vegetable farmers group led by the Commons for EcoJustice have lodged a substantive submission to the Malawian authorities, opposing Monsanto’s application to obtain a general release permit for its GM cotton. […]

USDA Review of GE Crops Finds Concerns Amid Benefits

The USDA has released its latest review of the first generation of genetically engineered crops in the U.S., finding both benefits and problems for farmers. […]

International Civil Society Statement of Concern on the Commercialization of Bt Brinjal

One hundred civil society organizations from around the world have written to the authorities in Bangladesh, urging them to suspend the planned commercialization of Bt brinjal in the country. […]

South Africa’s Experiences with MON810 Maize

A recent briefing paper published by the African Centre for Biosafety examines South Africa’s experience with Monsanto’s earliest insect-resistant Bt technology – MON810 maize – and has found that the product failed within 15 years of adoption. […]

GE and the Big Challenges for Agriculture – Lessons from the US

This TWN Biosafety Briefing evaluates the impact of genetic engineering in the US on three important challenges to agriculture: increasing food productivity, increasing nitrogen use efficiency, and increasing drought tolerance. […]

AFSA Statement on COMESA Approval of Harmonised GMO Policy

Statement of concern from the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) on the approval of the COMESA ‘Draft Policy Statements and Guidelines for commercial planting of GMOs, Trade in GMOs and Emergency Food aid with GMO content’. […]

India’s Supreme Court Expert Committee Recommends Indefinite Moratorium on GE Field Trials

The Indian Supreme Court Technical Expert Committee has recommended an indefinite moratorium on field trials of GE crops until the government comes out with a proper regulatory and safety mechanism. […]