Only Politics Can End World Hunger

History has shown us again and again that, so long as inequality goes unchecked, no amount of technology can ensure people are well fed. […]

How Agroecology Can Transform Food Systems and Advance Farmers’ Autonomy

Agroecology is a solution which can transform food systems and enhance producers’ autonomy, while mitigating environmental and social consequences. […]

New “Rooted” Magazine dedicated to Agroecology and Food Sovereignty

Rooted Magazine has been launched this October – this first issue explores how food system actors, including farmers, have shaped the creation and implementation of policies that enable agroecology. […]

Agroecology in National Biodiversity Strategies and Actions Plans

This document provides guidance for integrating agroecology and food systems into the development and implementation of National Biodiversity Strategies and Actions Plans, in alignment with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. […]

Gap between Policy and Budgetary Support for Agroecology in Southern Africa

National agricultural policies and budgets in Southern Africa largely support conventional, industrial farming practices. There is a need for governments to prioritise food sovereignty and agroecology in policy and financial investments and develop national agroecology strategies. […]

Diversified Farming Yields Strong Benefits for Farmers and Biodiversity

Drawing from data from 11 countries, this study found that implementing livestock diversification or soil conservation tended to create beneficial social and environmental outcomes, especially for biodiversity. […]

Resilient, People-Centred Food Systems to Counter the Global Food Crisis

Establishing more ecologically sound food production systems such as agroecology, reducing reliance on long-distance food trade, and curbing corporate power in the food system will make food systems more resilient and less vulnerable to the broader polycrisis. […]

Agroecology and Organic Agriculture Boost Productivity and Profitability

This dossier demonstrates the potential of agroecology and organic agriculture to boost productivity and profitability while generating a range of other co-benefits. […]

New Agroecological Designs to Improve Crop Productivity and Resilience

In a planet under polycrisis, the challenge is to transition from agroecosystems based on external inputs to one dependent on ecological processes – such as agroecology, which can improve crop productivity and resilience. […]

Diversified Cropping Systems Yield Multiple Benefits

This study in China demonstrates the benefits of diversified cropping systems, namely, improved grain and protein yields, soil health and livelihoods, along with greenhouse gas emission reductions. […]