Diversified Farming Yields Strong Benefits for Farmers and Biodiversity

TWN Info Service on Sustainable Agriculture
13 September 2024
Third World Network

Dear Friends and Colleagues

Diversified Farming Yields Strong Benefits for Farmers and Biodiversity

Drawing from data from 24 studies across 2,655 farms in 11 countries, a study has found that implementing livestock diversification or soil conservation tended to create beneficial social and environmental outcomes, especially for biodiversity (Item 1). Applying multiple diversification strategies created more positive outcomes than individual management strategies alone. To realize these benefits, well-designed policies are needed to incentivize the adoption of multiple diversification strategies in unison.

The study looked at multiple different contexts, including mixed maize in Malawi and cocoa agroforestry in Ghana (Item 2). Smallholder farmers from Malawi integrated livestock, legumes and fruit trees into their maize production. In Ghana, smallholders integrated shade trees when producing cocoa.

Starting to diversify might be costly at first and need labour. This might prevent farmers from trying diversification strategies unless they get financial support. Current policies have also tended to lock in simplified, conventional farming rather than enable transitions to diversified farming.

Important lessons can be learned from areas where communities have found ways past the barriers. In Malawi and Ghana, farmers’ collective actions through social networks have made it easier to get the resources needed for a transition to diversified agriculture. Specifically, farmer networks have allowed for farmer-to-farmer experimentation, teaching and sharing. The result is that farmers prefer a diversified approach, including livestock integration, use of compost and other soil health innovations, trees on farms, and the cultivation of multiple crops.

With best wishes,
Third World Network


 Item 1


 V. Rasmussen et al.
Science, Vol 384, Issue 6691 pp. 87-93
DOI: 10.1126/science.adj1914
Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture | Science
4 Apr 2024


Agricultural simplification continues to expand at the expense of more diverse forms of agriculture. This simplification, for example, in the form of intensively managed monocultures, poses a risk to keeping the world within safe and just Earth system boundaries. Here, we estimated how agricultural diversification simultaneously affects social and environmental outcomes. Drawing from 24 studies in 11 countries across 2655 farms, we show how five diversification strategies focusing on livestock, crops, soils, noncrop plantings, and water conservation benefit social (e.g., human well-being, yields, and food security) and environmental (e.g., biodiversity, ecosystem services, and reduced environmental externalities) outcomes. We found that applying multiple diversification strategies creates more positive outcomes than individual management strategies alone. To realize these benefits, well-designed policies are needed to incentivize the adoption of multiple diversification strategies in unison.

Editor’s summary

Farms tend to be simplified ecosystems designed to efficiently produce one or a few crops or livestock. Strategies to diversify these systems by managing multiple species, incorporating areas of noncrop vegetation, or conserving soil or water have been posed as ways of countering the negative environmental effects of simplified agriculture such as biodiversity loss and pollution. Rasmussen et al. examined the effects of such practices on both environmental and social outcomes by harmonizing data from 24 studies in 11 countries. They found that implementing livestock diversification or soil conservation tended to create beneficial social and environmental outcomes, especially for biodiversity. Farms that implemented multiple diversification strategies had more win-win outcomes. —Bianca Lopez

Item 2


 The Conversation
9 June 2024

Farming just one kind of crop in a field at a time, and using a lot of chemicals, poses a risk to both people and nature. This simplified intensive agriculture often goes hand in hand with increased greenhouse gas emissionsland and water degradation, and loss of biodiversity.

There’s another way to farm: increasing the number of crop and livestock species. This is biologically diversified agriculture.

Growing more than just a single crop year after year is one way to diversify. Farmers might rotate between corn one year, then pigeon peas intercropped with peanuts the second year, and beans the third year. They can also plant trees, or cover crops such as peas or grasses to avoid leaving the soil bare after harvest and risking erosion.

We wanted to understand what kinds of diversification strategies are being used and whether they are working. So, using data from 2,655 farms across 11 countries and covering five continents, we combined qualitative methods and statistical models to dive into 24 different datasets. Each of the datasets studied farm sites with varying levels of diversification, including farms without any diversification practices. This allowed us to assess the effects of applying more diversification strategies.

We found that farmers can achieve more environmental and social benefits if they use several diversification strategies together rather than just one at a time. Having looked at multiple different contexts – including mixed maize in Malawi and cocoa agroforestry in Ghana – we can say that diversified agriculture is a promising avenue to bring about more sustainable food production.

Benefits in Africa?

Smallholder farmers in the datasets from Malawi are integrating livestock, legumes and fruit trees into their maize production. Livestock can provide nutrients and organic matter for the maize and legumes; this, in turn, can improve smallholders’ food security and well-being. Improved soil fertility has positive effects on biodiversity.

Having trees such as papaya and mango on the farms offers multiple benefits. For example, they provide micronutrient-rich fruits. Trees can also generate extra income when fruits or other products are sold at the market. This income provides smallholders with purchasing power for other foods. And trees can improve soils, supporting production of the main crop. Trees on smallholders’ farms in Malawi also attract more bees, which are key pollinators.

In Ghana, smallholders from the datasets are integrating shade trees when producing cocoa. This strategy improves nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration. Farmers often note a reduction in input costs when integrating shade trees, as well as a new source of income from fruit or timber shade trees. This also has beneficial effects on community cohesion: farmers support each other through communal labour efforts to establish and maintain diversified farms.

In our paper, we also discuss many other diversification strategies. Previous studies have tended to assess specific strategies individually.


Transitions to diversified farming systems in Africa will require financial support. But this can be done. In our study we saw how farmers in Ghana overcame the financial barriers to hiring labour by using reciprocal labour exchanges. And in Malawi, a non-profit organisation provided training and diversified seeds to farmers. They had to “pay it back” the following year so that other farmers could receive the seed.

Starting to diversify might be costly at first and need labour. Results may take time. These barriers might prevent farmers from trying diversification strategies unless they get financial support.

A new way of thinking is needed too. Development initiatives have long promoted simplified cropping and increased input use rather than diversified farming practices. In Ghana the government’s food security initiatives have historically focused on agricultural modernisation. A prime example is the Planting for Food and Jobs initiative. It promotes simplified farming through large-scale, mechanised monocultures. Such initiatives tend to overlook the grassroots work done by NGOs and farmers through farmer-to-farmer training.

The unfortunate result is that current policies have tended to lock in simplified, conventional farming rather than enable transitions to diversified farming.

A path towards diversified farming

Important lessons can be learned from areas where communities have found ways past the barriers. In Malawi and Ghana, farmers’ collective actions through social networks have made it easier to get the resources needed for a transition to diversified agriculture, including knowledge, land, seeds, equipment, processing infrastructure and markets. Specifically, farmer networks have allowed for farmer-to-farmer experimentation, teaching and sharing.

The result is that farmers prefer a diversified approach, including livestock integration, use of compost and other soil health innovations, trees on farms, and the cultivation of multiple crops.

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