Building Agricultural Biodiversity Key to Ensuring Healthy Food Systems

Coinciding with this year’s International Day for Biodiversity, a new report discusses how we can reverse the alarming loss of biodiversity in agriculture and foster diverse diets. […]

Making Agriculture Work for- not Against- Biodiversity

FAO calls for transformative changes in how we produce our food, grounded in sustainable agricultural systems capable of producing healthy and nutritious food while simultaneously safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity. […]

The Environmental, Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political Principles of Agroecology

This publication discusses the principles of agroecology under four dimensions of sustainability – environmental, socio-cultural, economic and political – to strengthen the narrative and advocacy on agroecology. […]

Agroecology Taking Root as Momentum Builds for Transformation in Agriculture

A transformative vision for agriculture that is based on agroecology and that is resilient, equitable and socially just, is gaining ground, including in international policy processes. […]

Recommendations for Agroecological Transitions

Based on its regional seminars on agroecology held from 2015-2017, the FAO has released reports giving recommendations and key elements to guide countries in making the transition to agroecological systems. […]

Women Farmers Bring Healthy Meals to Local Schools

In Peru’s north coast, agroecology has enabled women to provide healthy and nutritious foods for their children, while ensuring farms are resilient to the impacts of climate change. […]

Regenerative Farms Provide More Ecosystem Functions and Profitability Than Conventional Farms

Regenerative corn farms in the US outperform their conventional counterparts in terms of pest management, soil health and profitability. […]

How Food Democracy Can Transform Food Systems For The Better

This article calls for Food Democracy where bottom-up citizen-led initiatives replace failing industrial food systems with genuinely sustainable ones. […]

Organic Hotspots in the US Found to Benefit Local Economies

Organic hotspots in the US have a positive impact on local economic indicators, while hotspots of general agriculture show no such pattern, providing grounds for policymakers to focus on organic development to promote economic growth in rural areas. […]

Questioning the Food and Farming Research Agenda

This collection of articles addresses key questions about how the research agenda is set in food and farming, unmasking and challenging the dominant research paradigm, and highlighting inclusive alternatives to deliver public good. […]