Organic Agriculture Yields Several Health Benefits

There are several human health benefits associated with organic food production. The wider use of organic methods in conventional agriculture would therefore benefit human health, especially in reducing the levels of exposure to pesticides and antibiotic- […]

Agroecology and Women’s Empowerment Essential to End Malnutrition

Key recommendations to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030: promote agroecology as the main food system, promote women’s empowerment and right to land, regulate agri-food transnational corporations, and democratise food systems governance. […]

Mainstreaming Agrobiodiversity in Sustainable Food Systems

There is ample evidence on the contribution of agricultural biodiversity to diverse, healthy diets; sustainability in agriculture; seed systems delivering crop diversity; and conserving agricultural biodiversity for use in sustainable food systems. […]

Organic Farming Can Feed the World, But Only If We Cut Meat Consumption and Food Waste

By combining organic agriculture with eating less meat, cutting food waste by half, and fixing nitrogen in the soil instead of using fertilizer, the world could be fed sustainably without vastly increasing the amount of land under agricultural production. […]

Investments in Small-Scale Sustainable Agriculture Best Way to Reduce Hunger and Poverty

This report makes a strong case for more investments in and support for small-scale sustainable agriculture in developing countries, which is recognised as the most efficient way to tackle hunger and poverty. […]

Declaration on “The Role of Agroecology on the Future of Agriculture and the Food System”

This declaration on the role of agroecology on the future of agriculture and the food system calls for the scaling up and scaling out of agroecology, as a countermovement based on food sovereignty, for the transformative reform of our food systems. […]

The Agrifood Atlas: The Rapidly-Growing Control of Agri-Corporations

This report shows the dramatic impacts of the global food system being rapidly monopolised by ever-fewer, ever-larger corporations. It also tracks agroecology initiatives around the world and gives examples of resistance to big agrifood. […]

Peasants not Food Corporations Feed the World

The Peasant Food Web feeds 70% of the world, including the most hungry, using only 25% of global agricultural resources. On the other hand, the Industrial Food Chain, which uses 75% of agricultural resources, feeds less than 30% of the global population. […]

Pesticides Driving Mass Extinction in the Anthropocene

Chemicals, especially pesticides, are driving the Earth’s current sixth mass extinction. Integrated pest management practices that reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture and the decoupling of the agrichemical and seed industries are therefore needed. […]

Food Sovereignty of Peasants Essential to Sustaining Agricultural Biodiversity

This paper argues that benefits to people and the planet can only be realised if the dynamic management of agricultural biodiversity within productive agroecosystems, and the resultant food provision, is developed within the framework of food sovereignty. […]