Agroecology Builds Climate Resilience in India

Evidence of successful ground experiences of farmers developing climate resilient solutions through agroecological practices such as inter-cropping, crop diversification and organic soil enrichment. […]

In-Situ Seed Conservation, Agroecology and Eliminating Food Waste are Better Solutions

Gene banks are not insurance policies for agricultural biodiversity. On farm conservation, agroecology and reducing food waste are more sustainable options. […]

Neonicotinoid Seed Coatings Unnecessary, Ineffective and Harmful

A new report analyzes peer-reviewed science on the efficacy of neonicotinoid corn seed coatings and finds them unnecessary, ineffective and harmful to the environment. It recommends that this practice be replaced by agroecological methods for pest control […]

Cutting Industrial Meat and Dairy Production Essential to Tackling Climate Crisis

Industrial livestock is a major contributor to global warming. A two-track solution would be to transition away from industrial meat and dairy, and redirect support to smallholder systems and integrated agroecological methods. […]

The Deep Roots of the Agroecological Movement in Latin America and Spain

A special issue of Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems sheds light on the origins of agroecology in Latin America and Spain and how it has developed as a strong movement to resist and replace the industrial model of agriculture. […]

Getting Serious About Fighting Hunger

This article explains how the industrial farming model exacerbates poverty and hunger, and calls on Europe to get serious about feeding the world by supporting alternative systems of agriculture such as agroecology. […]

Agroecology a Key Component of China’s New ‘Ecological Civilization’

A multistakeholder International Symposium on Agroecology was organized in China in August 2016. Agroecology is a key component of China’s plans to reconcile environmental sustainability with economic development. […]

Pesticides can be Reduced Without Negatively Affecting Productivity or Profitability

A study of 946 farms in France has found that total pesticide use can be reduced by 42% without any negative effects on productivity and profitability in 59% of the farms. […]

Challenges for Food and Agriculture in the 21st Century

FAO’s report on the challenges that agriculture and food systems will face into the 21st century acknowledges that “business-as-usual is not an option” and that major transformations are needed towards holistic approaches such as agroecology. […]

Agroecology is the True Future of Africa’s Food Systems

The November 2016 Addis Ababa Declaration on agroecology, ecological organic agriculture and food sovereignty in Africa establishes a new narrative which recognizes agroecology as the true future of the continent‘s food systems. […]