‘Organic 3.0’ is meant to be more ecologically sound, economically viable, socially just, culturally diverse, and transparently accountable; and will enable the uptake of truly sustainable farming systems and markets based on organic principles. […]
‘Organic 3.0’ is meant to be more ecologically sound, economically viable, socially just, culturally diverse, and transparently accountable; and will enable the uptake of truly sustainable farming systems and markets based on organic principles. […] Rather than asking how we can ‘feed the world,’ we should be asking what can improve the social conditions in food and farming systems, how we can secure access to natural resources, and what public policies and processes should govern these systems. […] FAO’s website on Agroeocology (www.fao.org/agroecology) highlights and shares relevant knowledge on agroecology. […] The State of Food and Agriculture 2016 stresses that unless action is taken now to make agriculture more sustainable, productive and resilient, climate change impacts will seriously compromise food production in the world’s most fragile regions. […] The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2016 warns that seeds and biodiversity are under threat as a result of increasing corporate capture and States’ neglect. […] A journal paper discusses how wholesome food production methods such as agroecology can become mainstream instead of alternative by acquiring their own “thick legitimacy” to supplant that of industrial food systems. […] The ‘amplification’ of agroecology is defined as the transformation of food systems towards sustainability and equity, rather than just the spreading of a set of food production techniques. […] Agroecology’s five “levels” of food system change, when taken together, can serve as a roadmap to transform the entire global food system towards sustainability. […] The Global Alliance for the Future of Food has released a compendium on how to protect agricultural biodiversity and the future of food by building and protecting resilient community-based and farmer-manaaged seed systems. […] A meta-analysis of 50 case studies from 22 African countries shows the contribution of agroecology to the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). […] |
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