Promising Trend Towards Sustainable Agriculture in China

As China struggles to feed a burgeoning population amid a host of agricultural challenges, a growing trend of multiple pathways of sustainable agriculture provide promising solutions. […]

Building Agricultural Resilience Through Evolutionary Plant Breeding

This article explains how evolutionary (participatory) plant breeding is a suitable method to generate, directly in farmers’ hands, climate-resilient seed varieties that can feed current and future populations. […]

FAO Commits Continued Support for Agroecology

The proceedings of the FAO’s International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition underline the organisation’s commitment to pushing agroecology forward as a means to eradicating hunger and poverty. […]

Build Healthy, Sustainable Food Systems to Fight Malnutrition

Creating healthy and sustainable food systems is key to overcoming hunger and all forms of malnutrition (undernourishment, micro-nutrient deficiencies, obesity) around the world. […]

Mexico’s Chinampas Prove Productive and Climate-Resilient

Mexico’s chinampas system preserves agricultural biodiversity, helps farmers adapt to climate change, bolsters food security and reduces poverty. Its agroecological features could be the foundation for the design of resilient agricultural systems. […]

Organic Meat and Products More Nutritious Than Non-Organic

A new meta-analysis has found that organic meat and animal products are significantly more nutritious than non-organic for several composition parameters including Omega-3 content. […]

Organic Delivers More Benefits Than Conventional Agriculture

A review of 40 years of research compares organic and conventional agriculture against four sustainability goals, finding that organic farming produces sufficient yields, is profitable for farmers, protects the environment, and is safer for farm workers. […]

African Farmers Lead the Way in Climate-Resilient Agroecology

33 case studies provide evidence of the success of agroecological practices across Africa – restoring degraded land, saving scarce water resources, increasing food production, and improving farmers’ livelihoods and resilience to climate change. […]

Investment in Agroecology Critical to Transforming US Agriculture

This paper highlights the dismal investment in agroecology in the US. It calls for prioritization and scaling-up of agroecological research, extension and education, in order to transform the current unsustainable industrial model of agriculture. […]

Replacing Hazardous Pesticides with Agroecology

This report calls for a shift from the use of hazardous pesticides to agroecology, providing evidence that the latter is more viable and will contribute greatly to human and environmental health, food security, poverty reduction and climate resilience. […]