Agroecology Crucial to Restore Soils for Food Security

The FAO has identified agroecology as crucial to ensure food security through restoring the health of millions of hectares of degraded agricultural soils across the globe. […]

African Rural Women Key to Building Community Resilience to Climate Change

This report looks at the critical role African rural women play in maintaining the continent’s diverse and resilient agricultural systems. […]

How Agroecology Can Transform the Agro-Food System and Nourish the World

Experts discuss how agroecology can transform the current unsustainable agro-food system and nourish the whole world, and what should be done to effect this transition. […]

The Untold Success Story: Agroecology in Africa Addresses Climate Change, Hunger, and Poverty

These case studies demonstrate the tremendous success of agroecological agriculture in Africa in the face of climate change, hunger and poverty. […]

Agrocecology – The Bold Future for Africa

AFSA is making an evidence-based, coherent case for agroecology as the sustainable long-term solution for farming in Africa, through a collection of case studies. […]

Producers and policy makers committed to an agenda for agroecology in Sub-Saharan Africa

Producers and policy makers committed to an agenda for agroecology in Sub-Saharan Africa at the Regional Meeting on Agroecology for food and nutrition security in Sub-Saharan Africa from 5-6 November 2015 in Dakar, Senegal. […]

Study Finds Farm Biodiversity and Pest Problems Inversely Related

Increased species diversity within a biological network correlates with significantly reduced pest populations and vice versa, providing justification for the diversification of agroecosystems to improve the sustainability of food production systems. […]

Organic Agriculture a Viable Option to Feed and Nourish the Planet

The Charter of the International Organic Action Network explains why and how organic agriculture is a socially, and economically and ecologically resilient approach for the production of food and agriculture-based raw materials. […]

The True Costs of Unsustainable Industrial Farming

Research for the FAO shows that industrialized farming costs the environment some $ 3.3 trillion per year. More sustainable farming practices could greatly reduce the cost of environmental impacts and help countries cope with food security challenges. […]

Agroecology – the Bold Future for Africa

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa calls for a bold transition to agroecology in Africa. […]