This report recommends seven principles to be the focus of the changes we need to make to transform our current broken food system into an ecological and resilient one. […]
This report recommends seven principles to be the focus of the changes we need to make to transform our current broken food system into an ecological and resilient one. […] This article concludes that GE crops are a misguided strategy to feed the world, citing their many failures and risks. It proposes low-input, multifunctional, locally-adapted, and culturally appropriate sustainable farming systems as a better alternative. […] The social, political, cultural, nutritional and spiritual significance of agroecology to peasant communities is captured in a new publication which presents agroecology as the best way to put food sovereignty into action and feed the world sustainably. […] Who holds the power to shape food systems, and who sets the terms of debate when it comes to reforming them? These were the questions asked by the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems, IPES-Food, as it launched its first report. […] The largest meta-analysis to date on organic vs. conventional farming has found a smaller yield gap, and in some cases, none at all between the two, compared to previous findings.Thus, organic farming with agroecological practices can deliver high yields. […] There are clear indications that the only way to feed the world sustainably by 2050 is to change course from the current destructive industrial model of agriculture to small-scale farming using sustainable practices. […] 100 small-scale farmers in Africa are leading a “composting revolution” which is producing better crops and yields without the use of chemical fertilisers, providing a promising way to feed the continent sustainably. […] The FAO’s recent symposium on agroecology has opened the door for what many groups hope will be a transformational change in the agri-food system. However, there is a need to safeguard agrecology from being coopted into the industrial model of agriculture […] The new UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food has called on governments to shift their subsidies and research funding away from industrial agriculture to small farmers practicing agroecology. […] Nearly 70 scientists and scholars of sustainable agriculture and food systems sent an open letter to the FAO calling for a solid commitment to agroecology from the international community. […] |
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