Family Farmers for Sustainable Food Systems

This report highlights the importance of small family farms in Africa, which generate food and employment for the majority of the population while conserving natural resources. […]

Genetically Modified Crops and Hunger – Another Look at the Evidence

This review compares GE and agroecological solutions. It finds that GE crops do not address core agricultural ecological sustainability issues, while the agroecological approach should be the first priority for feeding the world in a sustainable way. […]

An Agro-Ecological Vision for US Agriculture

The Union of Concerned Scientists says that agro-ecological farming or what it calls “healthy farms” are the way forward for sustainable food production and will be far better for the people, the environment and the economy. […]

Organic Agriculture – African Experiences in Resilience and Sustainability

The FAO book Organic Agriculture: African Experiences in Resilience and Sustainability documents sustainability experiences, including in mainstreaming organic agriculture into African development approaches. […]

GM Crops Not the Solution for Agricultural Sustainability Needed to Feed the World

This article illustrates the importance of agrobiodiversity for feeding the world, which is under threat by GM crops. […]

Agriculture Technologies for a Warming World

This article argues that GM drought tolerant crops may only have limited value in meeting the challenges of climate change. Instead, conventional breeding and ecological agriculture approaches can provide ready solutions. […]

Basic Attributes of Sustainable Agricultural Systems

A paper published in the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability proposes ten basic attributes of sustainable agricultural systems. […]

Record yields achieved with System of Crop Intensification (SCI)

Small farmers around the world are dramatically boosting their productivity and yields across a range of crops, by adopting a system called SCI (System of Crop Intensification). […]

Scaling Up Agroecology

Investing in agroecological approaches can be highly effective in boosting production, incomes, food security and resilience to climate change, and empowering communities. […]

Call to Invest in Agroecology

A call for major new investment and support to scale-up smallholder-focused agro-ecology and ecological agriculture to help tackle poverty, hunger and climate change. […]