A call for the development of alternative circular systems that mimic natural cycles to produce food, energy, materials and clean water. […]
A call for the development of alternative circular systems that mimic natural cycles to produce food, energy, materials and clean water. […] A guidebook on technologies for climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector showcasing 22 adaptation technologies, which are based primarily on the principles of agroecology. […] This report highlights how climate change, pressure on ecosystem resources and rising food prices pose challenges. What is needed is greater investment in sustainable small-scale farming, which is climate resilient, renews ecosystems and reduces hunger. […] This TWN briefing paper argues that ecological agriculture is climate resilient and is central to agricultural adaptation. It sets out what efforts are needed to facilitate the transition to ecological agriculture. […] This document outlines the key actions that are needed to transform existing industrial food systems and other unsustainable practices, to viable food systems based on agroecological and other forms of sustainable production. […] Measures taken to restructure agriculture and the larger food system around food sovereignty, small scale farming, agro-ecology and local markets, could be a key driver of solutions to climate change […] Scientific side-by-side comparisons in the Rodale Institute’s Farming Systems Trial (FST) over 30 years has provided clear evidence that organic agriculture is far superior to conventional systems. […] Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa, a FAO book co-published with TWN and the Institute for Sustainable Development, Ethiopia showcases the successes of ecological agriculture, in providing food security and rural livelihood. […] According to the United Nations’ World Economic and Social Survey 2011, a transformation from the predominant large-scale and intensive systems of agriculture towards small-scale sustainable agriculture is urgently needed. […] GM soy may be the “green gold” for some but it is also the source of despair to many living in its midst and to the environment. […] |
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