Participatory Research and Agricultural Biodiversity in Europe

IIED report calls for a shift in research and policy priorities from a near exclusive focus on monocultures to whole farm agroecological approaches and to safeguard the biological diversity upon which food supplies depend. […]

Organic Agriculture a Good Option for LDCs

This UNCTAD policy brief on “Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in LDCs” calls for a fundamental transformation in agriculture, based on sustainable agriculture, and not chemical intensification of agricultural production. […]

Closing the Gender Gap in Agriculture

Providing women the same access to land, technology, financial services, education and markets as men would lead to higher agriculture production. Women are also showing the way in practicing and reaping the benefits from ecological agriculture. […]

Agriculture Nourishing the Planet

Agriculture can address environmental challenges, while also alleviating hunger, reducing malnutrition, and lifting people out of poverty. […]

Benefits of Bt Cotton Elude Farmers in China Over Time

Farmers in parts of China reported increased secondary pests since they adopted Bt cotton while yields have been lower than conventional cotton. […]

Fundamental Transformation Towards Sustainable Agriculture Urgently Needed

A new discussion paper from UNCTAD calls for a rapid and significant shift from conventional, industrial, monoculture-based and high-external-input dependent agriculture towards mosaics of sustainable production systems. […]

UN: Agroecology can Double Food Output in 10 years

This report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food demonstrates that agroecology, if sufficiently supported, can double food production within 10 years while mitigating climate change and alleviating rural poverty. […]

‘Green Agriculture’ Would Yield Multiple Benefits

The Agriculture chapter of UNEP’s Green Economy Report calls for investments and policy reforms aimed at “greening” agriculture. […]

Call for Shift to Low-Carbon Food Production

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food called for a global transition from unsustainable industrial agriculture to low-carbon ways of producing food. […]

Sustainable Agriculture in India

This report shows how sustainable agriculture can help India’s farmers – especially those in poor, remote areas – pull themselves out of poverty. […]