Global Seed Vault cannot replace on-farm conservation

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, focusing on ex situ collections in gene banks should not be viewed as the solution to seed conservation. […]

Sustainable Agriculture without Genetic Engineering

Sustainable agricultural practices, which include organic farming, that offer many benefits to the environment, biodiversity, local livelihoods, and human health, are viable alternatives to genetic engineering. […]

Agricultural biodiversity discussions at the CBD

The issue of agricultural biodiversity was discussed at the 13th meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) technical body held in Rome in Feb 2008. […]

Sustainable agriculture’s climate mitigation potential

A new report written for Greenpeace by Professor Pete Smith from the University of Aberdeen, a lead author on the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, examines the direct and indirect impacts of agriculture on climate change. […]

Push-pull’ strategy successfully controls pests, weeds

Research published online recently demonstrates the benefits of using ‘push-pull’ approaches for controlling insect pests and weeds. […]

Compost Sharply Increases Crop Yields in Tigray, Ethiopia

Data collected in 2002-2004 from a farming project in Tigray, Ethiopia showed that, on average, composted fields gave higher yields, sometimes double, than those treated with chemical fertilizers. […]

Organic Agriculture Can Feed the World and More

Dr Mae-Wan Ho of the Institute of Science in Society analyses the findings by scientists from the University of Michigan who reported that organic agriculture has the potential to contribute substantially to feeding the world. […]

Organic agriculture helps adaptation to climate change

An FAO paper which explores the potential of organic agriculture in increasing resilience within the agroecosystem to cope with unexpected events such as climate change. […]

Energy use in organic agriculture

An FAO paper published in August 2007 analysing energy use in organic agriculture, in comparison with conventional agriculture. […]

Mitigating climate change through organic agriculture

The article from the Institute of Science in Society, UK examines the potential of organic agriculture in mitigating climate change. […]