Unlocking the Potential for Agroecological Transition in West Africa

This new report from IPES-Food identifies four leverage points where sustained action could build on progress already made, overcome key obstacles, and accelerate the agroecological transition in West Africa. […]

Failings of the Green Revolution in Africa – It’s Time for Agroecology

An international study has documented the failure of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa to achieve its stated goals of doubling incomes and halving hunger by 2020, and therefore calls on Africa to change course and take up agroecology instead. […]

Tackling Climate and Rural Livelihood Crises in the Dairy Sector

Tackling the climate and rural livelihood crises in the dairy sector requires policies to redirect public funds away from polluting industrial agriculture systems, regulate negative impacts, and regenerate rural communities and livelihoods through agroecological systems. […]

Scaling-Up Agroecology Essential to Addressing Hunger in the Sahel

A guide to help civil society groups upscale agroecology in the Sahel provides key strategies towards successful implementation. […]

What is Holding Back Investment in Agroecological Research for Africa?

Money flows in agricultural development are still reinforcing damaging industrial models in Africa and only a fraction of agricultural research funding in Africa is being used to transform food and farming systems. […]

Agroecology: A Fundamental Pathway for the Advancement of Women’s Rights

Food sovereignty and agroecology offer powerful alternatives to the unequal and gendered power relations in rural and urban communities, and are themselves tools and pathways to overcoming the oppressive structures in which women are embedded. […]

Agroecology Can Build Resilience Against COVID-19 and Future Crises

By ramping up investment for agroecology now; we can feed the world and strengthen our resilience against the COVID-19 crisis — and the ones yet to come. […]

COVID-19 and the Crisis in Food Systems – Symptoms, Causes, and Potential Solutions

While COVID-19 has exposed critical weaknesses and inequalities in our health and food systems, the crisis has given a glimpse of new, more resilient ways of feeding communities. […]

The Six Domains of Transformation to Agroecology

This briefing identifies the aspects, drivers, dimensions and qualities that are critical to have in place in a particular community, territory or country in order for the greater spread and institutional recognition and support for agroecology. […]

The Battle for the Future of Food in Africa

While policies driven by seed companies undermine climate resilience and food security in Africa, agroecology provides small-scale African farmers a way to reduce costs, increase soil fertility, raise diverse, healthy, and culturally appropriate crops, and adapt to climate change. […]