Intensified Agriculture Leads to Yield Reductions but Biodiversity Is Beneficial for Crop Production

There is strong evidence for positive biodiversity–ecosystem service relationships, highlighting that managing landscapes to enhance the richness of service-providing organisms is a promising pathway toward a more sustainable food production globally. […]

Agroecological Farms Generate More Income and Employment than Conventional Farms

Agroecological farms, as demonstrated by empirical evidence from Europe, can offer more sustainable production of healthier food, and re-enlarge productive agricultural (and related) employment, increasing the total income generated by the agricultural sector. […]

A Just Transition to Agroecology Essential to Effective Climate Action

Governments need to tackle agricultural emissions head on by redirecting public funds away from ‘Big Ag’, strengthening regulations and transitioning farming to agroecology. […]

Agroecology – The Solution to Highly Hazardous Pesticides

– With increased understanding of the adverse effects of highly hazardous pesticides has come recognition of the need for global commitment to replace chemical-intensive agriculture with agroecology. […]

Critical Domains of Agroecological Transformation

This paper describes agroecology as a transformative paradigm and identifies six critical ‘domains of transformation’ which put inclusive community-led governance processes at the centre. […]

Agroecology a Critical Element in the Transformation of Food Systems

This publication shares ‘beacons of hope’, stories from an extensive network of people and initiatives seeking to transform food systems to address critical global issues. Agroecology is found to be an essential element in such transformation. […]

Food Sovereignty is Africa’s Only Solution to the Food and Climate Crises

Africa’s farmers, fisher people and pastoralists are already using agroecological methods to build resilience to climate extremes and feed the entire continent. What they require is a policy framework that supports their food sovereignty. […]

New FAO Report Highlights Agroecological Innovations for Sustainable Food Systems

A report by the FAO’s High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition highlights how agroecological innovative approaches can advance sustainable food systems that enhance food and nutrition security globally. […]

Agroecology and Economic Justice Needed to Transform US Agriculture

U.S. agriculture needs to make a systemwide shift from industrial farming to agroecology to cut its carbon emissions, reduce its vulnerability to climate chaos and achieve economic justice. […]

Manifesto on Food for Health: Cultivating Biodiversity, Cultivating Health

A Manifesto on Food for Health calls for a transition to an ecological, systemic and regenerative paradigm of food production, i.e., agroecology, which is based on biodiversity and maximizes the benefits to the health and wellbeing of people and planet. […]