While interest is generated over new and emerging technologies, there is a diversity of knowledge, technologies and practices in agriculture, health care, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystem management. Many of these support the livelihoods of small farmers, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples and local entrepreneurs affecting millions of people and communities across the world, especially in developing countries. In many cases, national industries have developed from traditional knowledge and endogenous technologies.There are thus vast potential and promises in these sustainable systems and practices, requiring investment and mainstreaming into development policies at the national, regional and international level. A holistic approach to technology assessment and choice would develop sophisticated principles, criteria and indicators that enable countries to benefit from sustainable production and conservation systems.

Farmers’ Seed Systems Best Defence Against Corporate Control of Agriculture

Unlike agri-corporate giants that seek to control food and agriculture for profit, small farmers have found that the best way to save traditional agricultural knowledge is to grow seeds and give them away as a means to limit corporate control. […]

Agroecology Beats Land and Water Scarcity

With agroecology providing innovative water and production techniques, small farms in Brazil have been able to thrive despite drought. […]

Impressive Yield and Income Increases from SRI Project in West Africa

A project implementing the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in West Africa has benefited some 50,000 rice farmers with yield increases of 54-153% and an average income gain of 41% compared to conventional farmers. […]

Extensive Phenotypic Differences Between GE and Non-GE Cultivated Plants

A meta-analysis of genetic data on wild, GMO and non-GMO cultivated varieties of rice, canola, maize, sunflower, and pumpkin found significant and unintended phenotypic effects, suggesting consequences of genetic modification beyond the target trait(s). […]

How Sustainable Food Production Can Change Developing Countries

Sustainable food production is key to building a better world for today and the future. Farmers in developing countries need the resources to make their operations more sustainable. […]

Building Agricultural Biodiversity Key to Ensuring Healthy Food Systems

Coinciding with this year’s International Day for Biodiversity, a new report discusses how we can reverse the alarming loss of biodiversity in agriculture and foster diverse diets. […]

Making Agriculture Work for- not Against- Biodiversity

FAO calls for transformative changes in how we produce our food, grounded in sustainable agricultural systems capable of producing healthy and nutritious food while simultaneously safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity. […]

The Environmental, Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political Principles of Agroecology

This publication discusses the principles of agroecology under four dimensions of sustainability – environmental, socio-cultural, economic and political – to strengthen the narrative and advocacy on agroecology. […]

Agroecology Taking Root as Momentum Builds for Transformation in Agriculture

A transformative vision for agriculture that is based on agroecology and that is resilient, equitable and socially just, is gaining ground, including in international policy processes. […]

Recommendations for Agroecological Transitions

Based on its regional seminars on agroecology held from 2015-2017, the FAO has released reports giving recommendations and key elements to guide countries in making the transition to agroecological systems. […]