While interest is generated over new and emerging technologies, there is a diversity of knowledge, technologies and practices in agriculture, health care, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystem management. Many of these support the livelihoods of small farmers, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples and local entrepreneurs affecting millions of people and communities across the world, especially in developing countries. In many cases, national industries have developed from traditional knowledge and endogenous technologies.There are thus vast potential and promises in these sustainable systems and practices, requiring investment and mainstreaming into development policies at the national, regional and international level. A holistic approach to technology assessment and choice would develop sophisticated principles, criteria and indicators that enable countries to benefit from sustainable production and conservation systems.

How to Mainstream Agroecology

A journal paper discusses how wholesome food production methods such as agroecology can become mainstream instead of alternative by acquiring their own “thick legitimacy” to supplant that of industrial food systems. […]

Amplifying Agroecology to Transform Food Systems

The ‘amplification’ of agroecology is defined as the transformation of food systems towards sustainability and equity, rather than just the spreading of a set of food production techniques. […]

A Roadmap to Transform the Global Food System with Agroecology

Agroecology’s five “levels” of food system change, when taken together, can serve as a roadmap to transform the entire global food system towards sustainability. […]

Protecting Seeds, Protecting Food

The Global Alliance for the Future of Food has released a compendium on how to protect agricultural biodiversity and the future of food by building and protecting resilient community-based and farmer-manaaged seed systems. […]

Agroecology Contributes Positively to SDGs

A meta-analysis of 50 case studies from 22 African countries shows the contribution of agroecology to the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). […]

Mainstreaming Ecosystem Functions and Biodiversity into Agriculture

A joint FAO-CBD report addresses the need for mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem functions into agricultural production and management, so as to minimize agrochemical use. […]

Studies Find Insecticides Not Needed for Rice Farming

Studies have found that insecticides do not contribute significantly to rice yields but instead bring negative impacts like pests outbreaks. Ecological interventions are safer and more effective in controlling pests. […]

Organic Produces More Benefits than Conventional Farming in the Tropics

A 10-year comparative study in Kenya has found that organic agriculture can match conventional yields, produce higher incomes and health benefits for farmers, and improve ecosystem health. […]

Strengthening Interlinkages Between Agriculture and Biodiversity Critical to Global Food Security

The 8th Trondheim Conference on Biodiversity underscored the critical importance of understanding and strengthening the interlinkages between agriculture and biodiversity in order to establish food systems for a sustainable future. […]

Agroecology: A Sure Recipe to Feed the World Sustainably

A new report shows how transitioning from industrial to diversified organic and agroecological food and farming systems can produce enough food, reduce poverty and restore essential natural resources to feed the planet for generations to come. […]