While interest is generated over new and emerging technologies, there is a diversity of knowledge, technologies and practices in agriculture, health care, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystem management. Many of these support the livelihoods of small farmers, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples and local entrepreneurs affecting millions of people and communities across the world, especially in developing countries. In many cases, national industries have developed from traditional knowledge and endogenous technologies.There are thus vast potential and promises in these sustainable systems and practices, requiring investment and mainstreaming into development policies at the national, regional and international level. A holistic approach to technology assessment and choice would develop sophisticated principles, criteria and indicators that enable countries to benefit from sustainable production and conservation systems.

Mounting Opposition to GMOs and Patents on Life in Europe

More and more Europeans are saying NO to GMOs. […]

Subsistence Agriculture Key to Sustainability

While the world plunges into crises, subsistence farming in Africa holds the key to sustainable agriculture production, not only for the region but also other parts of the world. […]

Food insecurity highlights need for sustainable agriculture

A report by the UN ESCAP highlights that food insecurity is still very much alive in the Asia Pacific region, home to the largest number of hungry people. […]

Financial crisis makes agricultural focus more urgent – UN food rights expert

A food rights expert reaffirm the to not only increase food production, but to re-orient agro-food systems and the regulations towards sustainability and the progressive realization of the right to food. […]

Rethinking Agriculture

The recent food crisis exposed the problems confronting agriculture and the neglect that the sector has suffered in development priorities. It is ever more urgent now to rethink agriculture beyond business-as-usual. […]

New, green thinking for agriculture needed

There is an emerging consensus that the world need to move away from industrial agriculture and the use of transgenic crops to new approaches in to address the challenges posed by climate change and food insecurity. […]

Sustaining African Agriculture

This UNCTAD Policy Brief examines the potential contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable agriculture and food security particularly in Africa. […]

Organic Agriculture Good for Food Security in Africa

This UNCTAD brief highlights research showing that organic agriculture is a good option for food security in Africa — equal or better than most conventional systems and more likely to be sustainable in the longer term. […]

Organic farming beats GE as response to global warming

Organic agriculture has the potential to reduce, mitigate, and adapt to climate change impacts while remaining accessible to the billions of subsistence farmers around the world. […]

Threats of corporate concentration in agriculture

Corporate control over commercial food, farming, livestock, health and the Earth’s remaining natural resources is increasing. […]