While interest is generated over new and emerging technologies, there is a diversity of knowledge, technologies and practices in agriculture, health care, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystem management. Many of these support the livelihoods of small farmers, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples and local entrepreneurs affecting millions of people and communities across the world, especially in developing countries. In many cases, national industries have developed from traditional knowledge and endogenous technologies.There are thus vast potential and promises in these sustainable systems and practices, requiring investment and mainstreaming into development policies at the national, regional and international level. A holistic approach to technology assessment and choice would develop sophisticated principles, criteria and indicators that enable countries to benefit from sustainable production and conservation systems.

A GM-Free Sustainable World — German

Assembled by the Independent Science Panel, this dossier documents evidences on the known problems and hazards of GM crops as well as on the manifold benefits of sustainable agriculture. […]

A GM-Free Sustainable World — French

Assembled by the Independent Science Panel, this dossier documents evidences on the known problems and hazards of GM crops as well as on the manifold benefits of sustainable agriculture. […]

A GM-Free Sustainable World — English

Assembled by the Independent Science Panel, this dossier documents evidences on the known problems and hazards of GM crops as well as on the manifold benefits of sustainable agriculture. […]

Organic Agriculture Fights Back

This article documents studies which show the advantages of organic agriculture over conventional agriculture. […]

Common Ground: A Vision from the South Asia-Canada Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture

A group of farmers and activists from South Asia and Canada met to discuss issues affecting farming communities worldwide. […]

Sustainable Agriculture is Productive!

A review of 208 projects and initiatives in 52 countries show that sustainable agriculture is viable and that there are many examples demonstrating high yields as well as benefits to soil quality, and reduction in pests and diseases. […]