While interest is generated over new and emerging technologies, there is a diversity of knowledge, technologies and practices in agriculture, health care, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystem management. Many of these support the livelihoods of small farmers, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples and local entrepreneurs affecting millions of people and communities across the world, especially in developing countries. In many cases, national industries have developed from traditional knowledge and endogenous technologies.There are thus vast potential and promises in these sustainable systems and practices, requiring investment and mainstreaming into development policies at the national, regional and international level. A holistic approach to technology assessment and choice would develop sophisticated principles, criteria and indicators that enable countries to benefit from sustainable production and conservation systems.

A New Food System Based on Agroecology for Rural and Urban Communities

Covid19 threatens to strengthen corporate control over food unless we transition to agroecology now. Agroecology should be central to making policy for food systems that deliver nutritious food for all, do not destroy ecosystems, are rich in biodiversity and help address climate change. […]

Innovating Adaptation to Climate Change Through Agroecology

This paper explores agroecology as a systemic response to climate change, and its contribution to innovative and transformative adaptation responses. […]

Addressing the Food and Nutrition Security Challenges of Covid-19

This issues paper by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the FAO Committee on World Food Security provides insights to addressing the food and nutrition security implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

Agroecological Principles to Guide Transition Pathways Towards Food Security

This paper develops and discusses a consolidated list of agroecological principles in the context of presenting transition pathways to more sustainable food systems. […]

New Democratic Governance Imperatives to Enhance Agricultural Biodiversity

This article makes a call for new democratic forms of inclusive, cooperative and ecologically-rational governance over agricultural biodiversity, with peasants and other small-scale food providers as equal partners. […]

Countering the Digitalization Tsunami Sweeping Over Our Food Systems

To counter corporate-controlled digitalization of, and to regain control over, our food systems, we need to assert peasant farmers’ sovereignty over their data, promote agroecology and bottom-up technologies, and build a comprehensive global system of participatory technology assessment. […]

Feminist Agroecology For a Fair and Sustainable Global Food System

Feminist agroecology places ‘life’, relationships, care and balance at the center of a fair and sustainable food system. […]

From COVID-19 to Radical Transformation of Our Food Systems

Covid-19 has underscored the need for systemic change towards socially just food systems with agency, sustainability and stability at its heart, which can be characterised as agroecology and food sovereignty. […]

Transforming Agriculture and Food Systems Using the 10 Elements of Agroecology

The FAO’s 10 elements of agroecology supports the design of differentiated paths for agriculture and food systems transformation, hence facilitating improved decision-making at different scales along agroecological transitions towards sustainable agriculture and food systems. […]

Agroecology’s Transformative Resilience-Building Potential

This study finds robust scientific evidence demonstrating that agroecology increases climate resilience and contributes to a low-emissions pathway. The interdisciplinary and systemic nature of agroecology is key for its true transformational power. […]