High levels of resistance to two Bt proteins in GM maize of the African stem borer have been detected in three production regions in South Africa. […]
High levels of resistance to two Bt proteins in GM maize of the African stem borer have been detected in three production regions in South Africa. […] The US experience with GM dicamba-resistant crops should serve as a cautionary tale when evaluating the next agrotechnology for weeds and makes a good case for adopting diversified cropping systems instead. […] Two new studies provide evidence suggesting links between exposure to glyphosate, widely used in conjunction with GM herbicide-resistant crops, and increased risks of mortality and cancer in humans. […] The short-lived success of glyphosate for weed control in North American GE corn and soybean production systems serves as a cautionary tale. […] GM Bt cotton is failing in India – and African countries should take note of this when considering whether to introduce it themselves, according to a new scientific paper. […] This study on Bt cotton farms in Karnataka found that yield sensitivity to pest pressure increased in the second decade of adoption, resulting in losses in some years. […] GM Bt crops are losing their effectiveness as pest resistance to the Bt toxin insecticides has increased. […] This report looks at the economic, environmental and social impacts of 25 years of growing herbicide-tolerant GM crops and concludes that the increasing failure of these crops provides an opportunity to phase out their use and adopt more sustainable technologies. […] The cultivation of GE crops resistant to dicamba is causing US farmers more problems from damage from dicamba drift and an increase in herbicide-resistant weeds. […] Early warning of field-evolved resistance of the corn earworm and bollworm to Bt toxin VIP3Aa, the only Bt toxin in transgenic corn and cotton that remains effective against some populations of this pest in the U.S. […] |
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