High Levels of Glyphosate Residues Found in Soybeans in Argentina


Dear Friends and Colleagues

Re: High Levels of Glyphosate Residues Found in Soybeans in Argentina

Testbiotech (Institute for Independent Impact Assessment in Biotechnology) has published findings from its pilot project on detecting glyphosate residues in plants sprayed with the herbicide. Crop samples had been taken just before harvest time from fields of genetically engineered (GE) glyphosate-resistant soybeans in Argentina and analysed by a laboratory at the University of Buenos Aires.

The results showed unexpectedly high levels of glyphosate residues in plants that had been sprayed with the herbicide, with one sample having almost 100 mg/kg. In 7 out of 11 samples, the residue level was above the international maximum permissible level of 20 mg/kg for food and feed products. Glyphosate has been associated with serious health and environmental risks.

The study makes several recommendations including close and stringent monitoring of glyphosate applications in areas where GE glyphosate-resistant plants are grown, reassessing the health and environmental impacts of glyphosate, and switching from herbicide-resistant crops to agricultural systems that support crop diversity and biodiversity.

The full report can be downloaded from www.testbiotech.de/en/node/926. The summary and recommendations are reproduced below.

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TESTBIOTECH Background 22 – 10 – 201



In April 2013, Testbiotech took samples of soybeans from fields in Argentina in regions that are known for the cultivation of genetically engineered soybeans. The samples were taken shortly before the harvest was due. Nearly all the soybeans grown in Argentina are genetically engineered, and made resistant to the herbicide glyphosate (brands such as Roundup). These soybeans were originally developed by the US company, Monsanto. Currently there are only very few publications on the actual load of residues in these genetically engineered plants after they have been harvested. So the purpose of this pilot project was to gather some more data on residues from spraying with glyphosate.

The samples were analysed in a laboratory at the University of Buenos Aires. The results showed a surprisingly high content of residue of up to almost 100 mg /kg. In seven of the eleven samples the level was higher than the international maximum residue level (MRL) of 20 mg/ kg allowed in soybeans products used for food and feed. The results were confirmed in a second analysis. Aware that these results were alarmingly high, Testbiotech decided to publish its findings despite the small number of samples.

Testbiotech believes the high level of residues from spraying found in the soybeans indicates that they were not grown under conditions conforming to environmentally friendly agricultural practice. The dosage of glyphosate used in the fields concerned is likely to be much higher than recommended. Such high dosages could have been due to increasing weed resistance to the herbicide glyphosate which is also reported in Argentina.

Over-usage of glyphosate mixtures can have a negative impact on the environment and rural communities. A high level of residues from spraying can also impact health at the food and feed consumption level.

Similar problems with the application of high dosages of glyphosate are also likely to occur in countries such as Brazil and the US where these genetically engineered soybeans and other glyphosate resistant crop plants are grown on large scale, and an increasing number of herbicide resistant weed species are being reported.

Testbiotech recommends close monitoring of herbicide applications in those regions where the herbicide resistant plants are grown. This monitoring should cover residues in soil and water as well as in blood and urine samples from farmers, rural communities and livestock. Further, any soybean products containing residues from spraying which are used as food and feed should be subjected to many more controls.

The health risks and the environmental impact of glyphosate and its mixtures needs to be reassessed. There should be a substantial reduction in the high maximum residue levels currently allowed in food and feed products. Agricultural practice should also be changed, switching from growing herbicide resistant plants to agriculture practice that supports crop diversity and biodiversity in the fields as well as in the rural areas.

− The maximum residue levels for glyphosate should be lowered substantially.
− There should be close monitoring of glyphosate applications and concentrations in those regions were the herbicide resistant plants are grown. This monitoring should cover residues in soil and water as well as in blood and urine samples taken from farmers, rural communities and livestock.
− Importing countries should rigorously monitor residue loads from spraying.
− Additives such as tallow amines should be forbidden, the exact formulations of herbicides should be made public.
− Cultivation of herbicide resistant plant should not be allowed in Europe.
− In those countries where these herbicide resistant plants are grown, agricultural practice should be changed, switching to agricultural practice that supports crop diversity and biodiversity in the fields as well as in the rural areas.
− The health risks and the environmental impact of glyphosate and its mixtures should be reassessed.

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