Monsanto Puts Off Introduction of Second Generation Bt Soybean in the US

Monsanto has indefinitely cancelled its plans to introduce Intacta 2 Xtend, its second generation Bt soybean, in the U.S., most likely due to indications of insect resistance to the Bt proteins in the new product. […]

Pink Bollworm Resistance to Bt Cotton in India

Severe pink bollworm infestation has swept through the cotton-growing states of India due to evolved resistance to GM Bt cotton, which covers 90% of Indian cotton land. […]

Increasing Bollworm Resistance Found in Bt Cotton Belt of Texas

Cotton farmers across Texas are expected to face a growing bollworm problem this season with up to 40% crop losses reported last year due to increasing resistance of the bollworm to Bt cotton and Bt corn being grown in the southern states of the US. […]

Cases of Pest Resistance to Bt Crops Increased Five-fold From 2005-2016

A study analyzing global patterns of field-evolved resistance to Bt crops over the last two decades has found that the number of cases of pest resistance to Bt proteins increased from 3 in 2005 to 16 in 2016. […]

The Fall of GM Cotton in India

A report explores the rise and fall of GM cotton in India as more Indian farmers return to organic cotton. Worldwide, GM cotton farmers are struggling with increased pesticide use to deal with the emergence of pest resistance and secondary pests. […]

Bt Toxins in GM Crops More Toxic Than Natural Bt Toxins

A peer-reviewed analysis comparing GMO and natural Bt proteins has found clear differences between the two, and that the process of inserting Bt toxins into crops causes them to be more toxic and active against many more species. […]

Companies Admit Failure of Cry1F (Bt) Gene to Control the Western Bean Cutworm

In an unprecedented move, DuPont Pioneer has changed its marketing language to state that Cry1F, the Herculex I Bt trait, no longer protects corn against the western bean cutworm. Dow AgroSciences is following suit. […]

Bt Cotton Being Field-Trialled in Swaziland Despite Poor Performance in Africa

Bt cotton is being field-trialled in Swaziland in spite of its poor performance in Burkino Faso and South Africa. Civil society is calling for a return to ecological cotton production which is proving successful in West Africa. […]

Chinese Farmers Discontented with Bt Cotton After 15 Years

This study appraises farmers’ practices, performance and opinions 15 years after the commercial release of Bt cotton in northern China. It finds that farmers are discontented with their low returns and struggling with secondary pests. […]

Hard Lessons from 15 Years of Bt Cotton in India

After 15 years of cultivation, India’s foray into Bt cotton holds clear precautionary lessons relating to GE crops, and highlights the need to protect and conserve traditional crop varieties. […]