No Benefit to Imminent Release of Risky GM Mosquitoes in Burkina Faso

GM “male-sterile” mosquitoes are due to be released in Burkina Faso this year by Target Malaria, despite the admission that there are no benefits of this release for malaria control. […]

Golden Rice 2 Carries High Likelihood of Risks Without Substantial Benefits

An evaluation of the risk assessment for IRRI’s application for food import of Golden Rice 2 in Australia and New Zealand finds flawed data, failure to show any substantial benefits, and a high likelihood of risks. […]

Questioning the Food and Farming Research Agenda

This collection of articles addresses key questions about how the research agenda is set in food and farming, unmasking and challenging the dominant research paradigm, and highlighting inclusive alternatives to deliver public good. […]

Organic Agriculture Yields Several Health Benefits

There are several human health benefits associated with organic food production. The wider use of organic methods in conventional agriculture would therefore benefit human health, especially in reducing the levels of exposure to pesticides and antibiotic- […]

Toxic Formulants and Heavy Metals in Glyphosate-based Herbicides

Formulations of glyphosate-based herbicides are found to be much more toxic on both plants and human cells than glyphosate alone. Toxic heavy metals such as arsenic are also found in these herbicides. […]

GM Crops Drive Increased Pesticide Use in Brazil

The adoption of GM crops in Brazil has led to an increase in pesticide use with possible increases in environmental and human exposure and associated negative impacts. […]

The Global Organic Food and Farming Movement Calls for the Regulation of New Genetic Engineering Techniques as GMOs

The organic sector reaffirms its commitment to effectively exclude GMOs from its productions systems and urges policy makers to regulate the use of GMOs obtained by new techniques. […]

Statement on Gene Drives by the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board

The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board recommends a moratorium on the use of gene drives until international regulations for handling and risk assessment are in place. […]

CRISPR Gene Drives Equivalent to Creating a New, Highly Invasive Species

Two journal articles spell out why current CRISPR-based gene drives are too risky for field and even lab experimentation because they are remarkably aggressive and are likely to spread to most populations of the target species throughout the world. […]

Agroecology and Women’s Empowerment Essential to End Malnutrition

Key recommendations to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030: promote agroecology as the main food system, promote women’s empowerment and right to land, regulate agri-food transnational corporations, and democratise food systems governance. […]