A People’s Food Policy for England

‘A People’s Food Policy’ outlines a people’s vision of sustainable food and farming in England, with policy proposals for transforming the food system in the country. These are based on, among others, the principles and practices of agroecology. […]

Hard Lessons from 15 Years of Bt Cotton in India

After 15 years of cultivation, India’s foray into Bt cotton holds clear precautionary lessons relating to GE crops, and highlights the need to protect and conserve traditional crop varieties. […]

USDA Approves First Trials of GE Diamondback Moths, Avoids Full Environmental Impact Statement

In the face of the USDA’s approval of the first open-air trials of GE diamondback moth in upstate New York, civil society is calling for a halt to the trials, citing the lack of a full environmental impact assessment and public hearings. […]

Animal Feed Vitamin Supplement Contaminated by Illegal GE Bacteria

A strain of illegal GE bacteria was found in riboflavin vitamin supplements imported from China to Germany for animal feed use, highlighting the need for a database of detection methodologies for all GMOs used, both in contained use and field trials. […]

Market-Based Solutions Insufficient to Meet Food Security Needs Equitably

This paper finds that market-based solutions are insufficient means for ensuring global food security. It calls for a revitalization of the public sector to adequately govern markets and protect those most in need. […]

The Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project: Real or False Solution to Climate Change?

The Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project aims to produce drought-tolerant and insect-protected maize varieties,both conventional and GM, for Africa. While climate change is a very real problem for farmers, the project deserves further scrutiny. […]

The High Costs of Pesticides to Society

A review of scientific evidence about the impact of organic food on human health reveals that pesticides in food leads to loss of lifetime income due to lower IQs associated with prenatal exposure, and recommends organic agriculture for better health. […]

Climate Change Can Increase Spread and Hardiness of Bt-Resistant Crop Pests

Two studies examine the impacts of climate change on insect resistance to Bt crops, finding accelerated spread of Bt-resistant pests in the US and increased tolerance to cold temperatures in China. […]

Review Finds GM Plants Have Adverse Environmental Impacts

A review of scientific literature on the environmental risks of GM plants has found evidence of adverse impacts on the environment such as the emergence of herbicide and insecticide tolerance, and disturbed biodiversity. […]

Agroecology Builds Climate Resilience in India

Evidence of successful ground experiences of farmers developing climate resilient solutions through agroecological practices such as inter-cropping, crop diversification and organic soil enrichment. […]