A new report analyzes peer-reviewed science on the efficacy of neonicotinoid corn seed coatings and finds them unnecessary, ineffective and harmful to the environment. It recommends that this practice be replaced by agroecological methods for pest control […]
The European Parliament has passed resolutions objecting to the import of GM herbicide-resistant maize and cotton, citing concerns over harmful herbicide residues and calling for an overhaul of the EU GMO authorisation procedure. […]
Genetically modified Roundup Ready maize has been reportedly found growing illegally in the Bolivian village of Charagua, posing a potential threat to native varieties of maize. […]
Industrial livestock is a major contributor to global warming. A two-track solution would be to transition away from industrial meat and dairy, and redirect support to smallholder systems and integrated agroecological methods. […]
A special issue of Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems sheds light on the origins of agroecology in Latin America and Spain and how it has developed as a strong movement to resist and replace the industrial model of agriculture. […]
The five international judges of the ‘Monsanto Tribunal’ have presented their legal opinion and concluded that Monsanto has engaged in practices which have negatively impacted the right to a healthy environment, the right to food and the right to health […]
This article explains how the industrial farming model exacerbates poverty and hunger, and calls on Europe to get serious about feeding the world by supporting alternative systems of agriculture such as agroecology. […]
Enogen, a genetically modified corn for ethanol production, has reportedly contaminated non-GM white corn grown in Nebraska that is used to make flour, presenting risks of market rejection for non-GMO and organic corn growers. […]
Drawing upon research carried out in one of the largest cotton-growing areas in Burkina Faso, this paper documents the country’s shortlived, less-than-successful experience with Bt cotton cultivation, and explores the possible reasons behind the debacle, including commercial interest in pushing the corporate-owned Bt technology. […]
A multistakeholder International Symposium on Agroecology was organized in China in August 2016. Agroecology is a key component of China’s plans to reconcile environmental sustainability with economic development. […]