Study Links Roundup and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Rats

Cutting-edge molecular profiling analyses reveal that the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) caused non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats at doses thousands of times below what is permitted by regulators worldwide. […]

NK603 Maize Not Substantially Equivalent to Non-GM Counterpart

A new study disproves claims that a GM Roundup-tolerant maize is ‘substantially equivalent’ to its non-GM counterpart, highlighting the need for a more thorough evaluation of the safety of consuming products derived from this GM maize on a long-term basis […]

First Map of Smallholder Farms in Developing Countries Shows They Supply Most of the Food

The first map of smallholder farms in developing countries shows that more than 380 million small farms produce more than half the world’s food calories. […]

Corn Earworm Develops Resistance to Multiple Bt Toxins

A new study has found field-evolved resistance in a major corn pest to multiple Bt toxins in the U.S, showing up the failings of Bt crops. […]

Conflicts of Interest Common in GM Crop Studies

A study has found that 40% of studies on the efficacy or durability of GM Bt crops display conflicts of interest, which was associated with higher frequency of outcomes favorable to the interests of the GM crop company. […]

Recommendations to Take Agroecology Forward in Europe and Central Asia

Recommendations from the FAO’s regional symposium on agroecology in Europe and Central Asia to take agroecology forward in the region. […]

Organic Agriculture Maintains Its Exclusion of All GM Technologies

The organic movement is expanding its stand on the exclusion of GM from organic systems, to include new technologies like synthetic biology and new plant breeding techniques. […]

Consumers Call for Regulation of New Genetic Engineering Techniques

EU and US consumers call for products derived from new genetic engineering techniques to be regulated and labeled as GMOs. […]

Biocultural Innovation Crucial to Climate Change Resilience

Traditional communities in Peru and China have developed numerous effective biocultural or traditional knowledge innovations to strengthen their resilience to climate change. […]

Industry Attacks IARC Scientists for Labelling Glyphosate a Probable Human Carcinogen

As the US EPA re-evaluates glyphosate, used widely in conjunction with GM herbicide-resistant crops, industry has launched a full-fledged assault on the independent cancer scientists from the WHO-IARC who declared glyphosate a probable human carcinogen in […]