Risks of Glyphosate Residues in Food and the Environment

A review of recent literature has found that glyphosate can persist in the environment and that chronic glyphosate exposure even at low concentrations can pose a risk to human health. […]

A Roadmap to Transform the Global Food System with Agroecology

Agroecology’s five “levels” of food system change, when taken together, can serve as a roadmap to transform the entire global food system towards sustainability. […]

Transitioning Out of GM Maize: Towards Nutrition Security, Climate Adaptation, Agro-Ecology and Social Justice

The African Centre for Biodiversity warns that to cope with drought and rising food prices, South Africa needs to urgently move away from genetically modified food and towards indigenous African crops. […]

Protecting Seeds, Protecting Food

The Global Alliance for the Future of Food has released a compendium on how to protect agricultural biodiversity and the future of food by building and protecting resilient community-based and farmer-manaaged seed systems. […]

The Real Reasons for the Failure of Golden Rice

Two scientists examine the real causes for the failure of genetically modified Golden Rice. […]

Agroecology Contributes Positively to SDGs

A meta-analysis of 50 case studies from 22 African countries shows the contribution of agroecology to the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). […]

GM Enzymes Used in Cleaning Products and Food ‘Are Potent Allergens’, Warns Study

A recent study has warned that genetically modified enzymes used in food, perfumes, medicine and cleaning products are “potent allergens” and should be tested like other potentially hazardous chemicals. […]

Court Documents Reveal Oxitec’s GE Mosquitoes Could Cause Increased Numbers of Different Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes

GE mosquito company Oxitec has admitted a major risk of its technology – reducing one mosquito species may increase the numbers of a second disease-carrying species […]

Mega-Mergers Will Put Three Companies in Control of Global Agriculture

Mega-mergers between agri-corporate giants are poised to put three companies in control of most of the world’s agrochemicals and seeds, threatening the survival of smallholder farmers. […]

Maize Farming in Africa is Vulnerable to Uncontrolled Spread of Genetically Modified Varieties

A new publication from GenØk-Centre for Biosafety, Norway shows that maize farming by smallholders in Africa, for local food production, is particularly vulnerable to the introduction of genetically modified (GM) maize. […]