Philippine Supreme Court Orders Permanent Ban on Bt Brinjal Field Trials

The Philippine Supreme Court has upheld a decision in permanently stopping field trials for genetically modified Bt talong (Bt brinjal) in the country, citing a lack of scientific consensus on the safety of the food crop. […]

African Rural Women Key to Building Community Resilience to Climate Change

This report looks at the critical role African rural women play in maintaining the continent’s diverse and resilient agricultural systems. […]

US EPA Revokes Approval of Dow’s “Enlist Duo” Herbicide  

The US EPA has revoked its approval of Dow’s “Enlist Duo” herbicide cocktail of glyphosate and 2,4-D on receiving new information that there are likely to be synergistic effects, i.e, greater than expected toxicity of the two ingredients combined. […]

Are GM Crops and Foods Well Regulated

Canada has approved the commercialisation of GMOs for 20 years now. This report examines and critiques Canada’s biosafety regulatory system. […]

Scientists Call for Moratorium on Inheritable Human Genome Editing

An international group of scientists have called for a moratorium on inheritable human genome editing until the risks can be better assessed and there is broad societal consensus about the appropriateness of the technology. […]

How Agroecology Can Transform the Agro-Food System and Nourish the World

Experts discuss how agroecology can transform the current unsustainable agro-food system and nourish the whole world, and what should be done to effect this transition. […]

Serious Lack of Scientific Data on the Effects of Bt toxins

Two studies which have examined the combinatorial effects of Bt toxins in stacked GM crops and the biosafety and biological effects of Bt toxins on mammals have found a serious gap in knowledge about these effects. […]

Uncertainties and Knowledge Gaps in the Environmental Risk Assessment of GMOs

A new report identifies the scientific uncertainties, knowledge gaps and research needs related to the introduction, use and environmental assessment of GMOs. […]

The Untold Success Story: Agroecology in Africa Addresses Climate Change, Hunger, and Poverty

These case studies demonstrate the tremendous success of agroecological agriculture in Africa in the face of climate change, hunger and poverty. […]

Outsmarting Nature? New report on Synthetic Biology and Climate Smart Agriculture

This report uncovers plans to use synthetic biology to move forward an industrial agenda that continues to tie farmers to pesticide-intensive production, using the rhetoric of ‘Climate-Smart Agriculture’ as a justification. […]